Children and youth at BCUC
Children and youth are a very important part of the life of our congregation. Children are always welcome in the sanctuary during the worship service. We also offer Nursery care, Sunday School, and Youth Group.
Sunday School Classes
Nursery: Ages 0 to 3
Beginners: Ages 3 to 5
Primary: Grades 1 & 2
Junior: Grades 3 & 4
Intermediate: Grades 5 to 7
UP (United People) youth group: Grades 8 to 12
Sunday School registration form (PDF)
Please note: We ask that families with children attending our Sunday School program complete the registration form, however pre-registration is not required for attendance.
Confirmation Classes
Confirmation classes are offered for youth ages 14 and older every second year.
Families are important!
We want our young families to get to know each other! And so, from time to time, we organize Family activities after the worship service. Watch for our Welcome Back to Sunday School Celebration, a Family Fun and Pot Luck to break up the winter months and, of course our Sunday School Picnic!
Other Activities for Children
For more information about the Christian Education Programs at Bells Corners United Church, please contact:
Lorrie Lowes
Diaconal Minister
(613) 820-8103