Music Director: Allison Houston
I have been involved in music all my life. Piano lessons, voice lessons, music theory lessons. Church choirs, school choirs, community choirs, Provincial and National Youth Choirs, professional choirs.
I was in Grad School at Arizona State University, when I realized that singing was the vehicle for me to find my voice, not just as a musician, but also as a person, as a soul. That is the power of singing. That is the power of music. That is the power of community focused on using our voices and our bodies to channel the Divine. Read more about Allison…
Sunday services and music/lyric/action videos
Choristers perform both sacred and secular music for their own pleasure, and for the listening pleasure of the congregation. As well as Sunday worship support, BCUC's choirs provide further musical offerings by presenting concerts, just for fun, at Christmas and other times of the year. Approximately every two years, the church mounts a musical.
The Christian Generation Singers (CGS)
Kindergarten to Grade 4
Practice is Thursday evenings at 6:00 pm; child-friendly meal provided at 5:30 pm
Sing at worship services about once a month
Perform at Seniors' Residences, on occasion, as part of their outreach
Directed by Erin Berard
Bell Canto
Grade 5 and up
Practice is Thursday evenings at 6:40 pm
Sing at worship services about once a month
Perform at Seniors' Residences, on occasion, as part of their outreach
Directed by Erin Berard
The Men's Chorus
Practice is at agreed upon times
Sing at Sunday morning services, from time to time
Directed by Allison Houston
The Sanctuary Choir
Practice is on Thursday evenings at 7:15 pm from September to June
Sing Sunday mornings, 3 times per month
Directed by Allison Houston
Bells Corners United is also blessed with numerous musically talented people, and worship services are often enhanced by the richness of the gifts they share.
If you wish to obtain further information about the Choirs or the Music Program at Bells Corners United, please contact Allison at or the Church Office at