BCUC's Response to COVID-19 as of March 12, 2020

These are the steps we are taking to minimize risk to everyone who uses our building effective immediately:

Please do not come to church or any gathering if you are feeling sick

if you are feeling ill, have a fever or have symptoms such as coughing, sneezing or shortness of breath, stay home or call your doctor. Call Telehealth if your doctor is unavailable as treatment options may be changing in the community.

Changes to Sunday services

Instead of shaking hands or hugging, we will greet each other verbally and minimize close physical contact. We will encourage social distancing whenever possible.

Communion is not scheduled until April 12 (Easter Sunday), so we will update our communion practices according to the information we have at that time.

Offering plates will be available with health concerns in mind. (i.e. ushers will use gloves and will receive the offering– no passing of the plates in the pews).

Stay informed

Monitor daily updates from Ottawa Public Health and the Public Health Agency of Canada for current information regarding COVID-19. Check current recommendations regarding travel and attendance at large gatherings including worship.

Our staff may be working from home. If you cannot reach them by phone, you can contact them via email. You can read our full COVID-19 response here (PDF).

Wishing everyone good health!