Sunday Worship Service - August 16, 2020



August 16, 2020

[The video recording of this service can be found here]
You can also dial-in by phone to listen to the audio recording at 613-820-8104

Gathering Music: “Who Comes From God”   Voices United #892

1.     Who comes from God, as Word and Breath? Holy Wisdom.
Who holds the keys of life and death? Mighty Wisdom.
Crafter and Creator too, Eldest, she makes all things new;
Wisdom guides what God will do,
Wisest One, Radiant One, welcome, Holy Wisdom. 

2.     Who lifts her voice for all to hear? Joyful Wisdom.
Who shapes a thought and makes it clear? Truthful Wisdom.
Teacher drawing out our best, magnifies what we invest,
Names our truth, directs our quest,
Wisest One, Radiant One, welcome, Holy Wisdom. 

3.     Whom should we seek with all our heart? Loving Wisdom.
Who, once revealed, will not depart?  Faithful Wisdom.
Partner, Counsellor, Comforter, love has found none lovelier,
Life is gladness lived with her,
Wisest One, Radiant One, welcome, Holy Wisdom. 

Words © 1989 Patrick Michaels, Music 1808 Arr © 1991 Hopson Hope pub.  Song # 45571 & 45572, Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Welcome & Announcements

Good Morning! On behalf of Bells Corners United Church, I extend a warm welcome to you today and I greet you in the name of Jesus, our mentor and guide, and the very reason we gather together as a family of faith.

This is the third Sunday of our summer sermon series on Wisdom in the book of Proverbs and today we will hear Lady Wisdom extend an invitation to us all that will be hard to turn down!

During this time when we are not able to gather in the church sanctuary, please know that BCUC offers our worship services in a number of ways. Check our website at for our audio, video, and text formats, along with the weekly announcements, online meetings, events, and other updates. To access the service on your telephone, you can dial 613-820-8104 to listen to the most recent service. We also encourage you to show that you care by connecting with each other through emails, phone calls, and prayers.

Here are a few announcements to highlight this week:

David’s Flowers are available for purchase by donation every Saturday morning from 10:30 to 11:30, drive-through style. The flowers will be displayed on tables outside the main entrance, and everyone is asked to bring donations by exact change or a prepared cheque, and remain in your car to receive instructions from our volunteers. Thank you for your support!

Next Saturday, August 22, from 11:00am till noon, we will also be treated to a small barbecue, hosted by “Two Men and a Stove”. To help us comply with the current Health and Safety measures, we ask that you register in advance by contacting the church office at 613-820- 8103. At that time, you can choose between a hamburger or hot dog, with onions and condiments, along with a small bag of chips and a soft drink for just $5 per person.  Tables will be placed and cleaned according to the Health regulations and folks are asked to be masked until seated. Proceeds from the barbecue will go to the BCUC Operating fund.

So, plan to join us on Saturday for flowers and stay for lunch!

Every Wednesday evening at 8pm, we invite you to join your prayers with others from the comfort of your own home. Wherever you are, say a prayer for the world, for your community, the congregation, your family, and yourself.

Volume 2 of the book of Memories is available for purchase in either print or digital format. Please call the church office to reserve your copy and arrange payment and pick-up.

You can also purchase Grocery cards by calling the church office.

For those who are able to join us by Zoom, there will be a “Virtual Fellowship Time” every Sunday at 11 am. The link will be sent to you by email. If you have not yet received it, please call the office for more information during regular church office hours.

For more announcements, please check the church website.

Let us now gather our hearts and minds for worship…

Lighting of the Christ Candle         Acolyte: Hazel Smith

Just as we light candles on our dining table to celebrate a special meal,
Just as we light candles on a cake to celebrate a birthday,
Just as we light candles to provide a warm light on a cold, dark night,
We light this candle to celebrate that the warm light of Christ is among us as we gather in worship. 

Call to Gather:     Jack and Katie Kelly

I hear a noise. I hear a sound. Do you hear it?
It is Wisdom calling.
Where is she? Where can I find her?
She calls from the heights of the heavens
and speaks with truth on her lips.

May I come? May I learn?
Yes, you may come. You may learn.
Wisdom calls all people
to faith, peace, love, and hope.[1]

Prayer of Approach[2]:       Katie Kelly

God of Wisdom,
You spoke through the prophets and writers of old.
You speak to us today as a church in challenging times and an uncertain future.
Touch our hearts in this time of worship. Inspire us to deeper commitment.
Make of us a gracious and generous people, faithful into the future.

Hymn: “Long Before My Journey’s Start”       More Voices #63

1.     Long before my journey’s start, when in my youth I searched in my heart,
I would pray for her, wait for her,
Wisdom, my road, my goal, and my star. 

2.     From the blossom to the seed, long has she filled my cup in need
May I cling to her vine, taste of her wine,
Wisdom my life, my perfect design. 

3.     When I stretched my hands to the sky, when in despair my soul raised a cry,
I was saved by her gaze, led in her ways,
Wisdom, my love, the light of my days.

Words © 1993 Steven Warner & Music © 1993 Leslie Barnhart
Song #38081 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Storytime for the Young at Heart         Erin Berard

Over the past couple weeks we’ve heard about Lady Wisdom calling out to us from the streets.  We hear lots of messages calling out to us, too, don’t we? Our parents, in the community you might see something on a billboard.  They’re giving us advice, or warning us, or pointing out inequalities or injustices. You might hear: “Look both ways before you cross the street!” “Wash your hands for at least 20 seconds!” “Black Lives Matter!””#SafeSeptember” “That is really not a good idea!” 

But in today’s reading, Lady Wisdom is calling us to come and have a meal with her!  And this doesn’t sound like just grabbing take out from McDonalds and eating it in the car!  When I connect it with Bells Corners United Church, it makes me think of having a shared meal with our neighbours at the Mosque or enjoying a Two Men and a Stove community dinner or even having us all gathered together for a Choir meal before rehearsals.  Maybe it’ll make you think of a special meal with extended family and friends, or even just your regular, every-night supper with your family. 

When we sit down together and take time over a meal, we get a chance to talk and hear about how everyone’s day went, we can share stories and experiences, tell about things that are worrying us or concerning us.  It’s a chance to ask questions and work things out together.  

It’s often really difficult to really understand an issue when you don't have all the information, just a slogan or a hashtag.  We might need to ask to get more information.  We need to know:  What am I looking for when I look both ways?  HOW do I wash my hands well? What will be the risks and challenges as we head back to school? What can I be doing, exactly, to support the Black community where I live?

So maybe the next time we hear a big, loud statement in the news or in our community or from our friends, we could stop and take a little minute listen and try to understand more about what’s going on and ask God to help guide us in the right direction.

Hymn:    “I Am Walking a Path of Peace”    More Voices #221 

1.     I am walking a path of peace, I am walking a path of peace,
I am walking a path of peace, lead me on, lead me on. 

2.     I am walking a path of love, I am walking a path of love,
I am walking a path of love, lead me on, lead me on. 

3.     I am walking a path of hope, I am walking a path of hope,
I am walking a path of hope, lead me on, lead me on. 

4.     I am walking in Wisdom’s way, I am walking in Wisdom’s way,
I am walking in Wisdom’s way, lead me on, lead me on.

Words & Music © 2007, Janet Bauman Tissandier
Song #126815 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Prayer for Illumination[3]      Reader:  Barbara Bole Stafford

God of Grace,
As we receive these words – words inspired by you –
May we discover your urgings,
May they stir our thoughts,
May we be empowered to grow,
And may we act in ways that reveal who you are to all who would notice.

The Reading:   Proverbs 9:1-6  (The Message) “Lady Wisdom Gives a Dinner Party”

1-6 Lady Wisdom has built and furnished her home;
    it’s supported by seven hewn timbers.
The banquet meal is ready to be served: lamb roasted,
    wine poured out, table set with silver and flowers.
Having dismissed her serving maids,
    Lady Wisdom goes to town, stands in a prominent place,
    and invites everyone within sound of her voice:
“Are you confused about life, don’t know what’s going on?
    Come with me, oh come, have dinner with me!
I’ve prepared a wonderful spread—fresh-baked bread,
    roast lamb, carefully selected wines.
Leave your impoverished confusion and live!
    Walk up the street to a life with meaning.”

Hear what the Spirit is saying to all of us. Amen.

Sermon:  “Come, Join Me at the Table      Lorrie Lowes DM

Welcome, Friends!

In these days of isolation and social distancing, how I wish I could invite you to dinner! It would be such a wonderful treat to get together around a delicious meal and talk about all the things that are happening in the world – especially all the concerns around this virus and around the racial unrest, the political situation in countries like the USA and Belarus, the tragedies that are happening in places like Lebanon. So much to talk about, so much to ponder, so much to try to make sense of…

Where do we turn for information?
How do we sift fact from fiction?
Who do we trust?
What should we do?
Where is God in all of this?
What is my role as a follower of Jesus? 

We can think and worry about these things silently; we can discuss them with the people in our “Covid Bubble”, but sometimes we need to hear views of others with different experience and perspectives. We need to sift through it all and pull out the wisdom together. We need to have the kind of civilized discussion that can happen around a dinner table, a place where intimate and honest conversation can take place among people who feel safe enough with each other to  not only lay open their hearts and deepest thoughts, but to open their minds enough to really listen to what others have to say.

For the past two weeks, our readings from Proverbs have introduced us to Sophia, Lady Wisdom, who is calling to the people of the world to pay attention to what she has to tell us. First, in Proverbs 1, she calls out in a warning – “Pay attention or else!” she seems to say, “If you choose not to listen to me, well then you are on your own and I will laugh at the results. Don’t come crying to me when it all comes back to bite you!” Last week, in Proverbs 8, Lady Wisdom is still calling out in the street but this time, she is sharing her credentials. “I was there right at the beginning! I was part of God’s creation of this world. I know how it was designed to work and my input, my wisdom, was a big part of the design and the process. I have important things to say that you need to hear!”

Well, in today’s reading, Lady Wisdom has taken a new approach. It seems that she realizes that threats don’t work. She also sees that, while people love the image of her presence at Creation, they don’t think they need to pay attention to something that happened eons ago, that it doesn’t really apply to what’s happening in the world today. In Proverbs 9, she goes once again to the public square, but this time, she issues an invitation. “Come with me, oh come, have dinner with me!”

… no dire warnings, no pleading to be given a voice, but an invitation to join her at the table.

It’s interesting, isn’t it, that the invitation is not to a town hall meeting with a panel of experts and powerful political speakers? This is no rally with a free barbecue lunch and balloons for the kids. This is a sumptuous dinner party in her home. A sit-down dinner with all the comforts and delights – a lavish table set with flowers and candles and her very best dishes. A feast of roasted lamb, fresh baked bread, and a selection of fine wines. We are invited as honoured guests to an intimate dinner at the table in a sturdy, well-established house, built by Wisdom herself and supported by seven hewn timbers. It sounds like a place where you can feel safe, a place where your questions and your musings will be accepted with grace, a place where you can work out your confusion amongst others who are also struggling to find answers, a place where the conversation is facilitated by Lady Wisdom herself.

It is an invitation into relationship.

I think Lady Wisdom has finally figured us humans out. She now understands what we need in order to put down our defenses and to leave our weapons at the door. She has created a safe place where we can meet each other in an atmosphere of mutual respect, a place where listening – really listening – to others is as comfortable as sharing our own perspective. Unlike the town hall or the rally, we don’t come to a dinner table with our guard up against people we think are trying to hard sell their personal world view. In this elegant setting with sumptuous foods and fine wines, we are open to meeting new ideas. We are open to asking for more information. We are open to looking for the wisdom we need to move forward in these confusing and somewhat frightening times. We are interested. And what better host could we ask for than Sophia, Wisdom herself?

This reminds me a bit of the party conversation starter where someone asks, “If you could have dinner with anyone, alive or dead, who would you choose?” I always struggle a bit with that one. There are so many amazing people in history and in today’s world that I would love to have a conversation with… but I don’t think I ever considered Lady Wisdom as a possibility. Given the state of the world these days, perhaps she is the very person whose company we need the most… Never mind the fantastic stories she would have to tell about Creation and the divine plan it was based on! Yes, I think she would be an amazing dinner companion…

Heaven knows, these days we are bombarded with complicated issues – stopping the spread of the Covid19 virus while getting the economy back on track… sifting through the messages from our leaders and the experts to discern which restrictions are necessary or which loosening of the guidelines are safe and which are politically motivated…

How do we deal with the inequities in this world where some have more than they can ever use and others are lacking the bare necessities of food and shelter? How can we help others and still give our own families the life we have worked so hard to provide?... How do we help others and still keep their dignity intact? …How do we help without taking control? …How can we be sure that what we do is actually helpful?

We look at the racial unrest that is happening everywhere but perhaps most violently in our neighbours to the south of us… How do we stand up for the rights of black lives and how do we justify the violence that has erupted around this movement?... How do we acknowledge the racism that exists even in our own communities? … How do we face the ways that systemic racism affects each and every one of us?... Can I be an ally without feeling guilty about the privilege I hold in society?...

There are so many opinions, so many voices, so many causes…

It’s difficult to figure out where the wisdom lies… Yes, I think I’d like to be invited to Lady Wisdom’s dinner party…

Perhaps she would have all the answers to all of our questions, but I don’t think she plans to give us a cheat sheet or to do all the work herself. We’ve been reading scripture long enough to know that God doesn’t work that way. God is always there to guide and support us – but we are expected to do the work. So, I imagine that our gracious host would facilitate the discussion, maybe by asking some questions – open ended ones, of course, questions meant to get us doing the talking and the work of figuring things out.

I wonder who else would be sitting at the table with us… I wonder if Sophia has a seating plan in mind… Would I be seated with people I wanted to meet or with people I needed to meet? …

I think you can see that I am intrigued by this invitation from Lady Wisdom! So, how can we take advantage of this offer today? I think we need an opportunity like this now, more than ever. I know I am stressed by everything that is happening around me, are you too? Where is that invitation to dinner? Where is Lady Wisdom when we need her?

Perhaps she is right there on the street corner, exactly where she has always been. Perhaps the invitation is as sincere as it was in the time of these ancient writings. Perhaps we need to slow down, take a deep breath, and look for her amongst the bustle and noise of this busy intersection we live in.

Wisdom is still calling to us, begging us to stop the shouting and the arguing, the pushing and shoving as each voice strives for power and control. She asks us to slow down, to take the time to enjoy each other’s company, to share our thoughts and ideas, to listen at least as much as we speak, to savour a mouthful of delicious food, or fine wine – and not jump in to talk with our mouths full – to savour the time in good company. She wants us to get to know each other. She wants us to take the time to think, to consider, to discern… to find the wisdom that is waiting for us in the mutual respect of a caring community.

Now, perhaps a fancy dinner party isn’t your style. Are there other metaphors you might use to create the same atmosphere? I am reminded of a Thomas Rhett song that Rory Gardiner has shared with us at BCUC – “If I Could Have a Beer with Jesus” – perhaps not a song you expected to hear in a church, but I think the message is just the same as in this passage today. Find a venue and a situation where you can relax and spend quality time with Wisdom, or Jesus, or God in any form, as the facilitator of the discussion. A place where you can relax, let your guard down, and open your heart and mind to the voices around you.

What questions would you have for them?
What questions do you think they’d have for you?
Who else would you invite to the table?
Are they the same ones you think they might invite? 

It’s a refreshing and comforting thought for me that Wisdom is still there, calling out her invitation to us right in the midst of the turmoil of this world. Will you look for her? Will you accept her invitation?

May it be so.


Prayers of the People and the Lord’s Prayer

God of Wisdom,
We come to you today, so full of worries and questions.
We long to accept Sophia’s invitation.
We long to have your guiding presence and peace that will lead us and the world to a path that will make a positive difference.
We pray for your presence with us as we struggle with the difficulties we face and with the pain of this world. 

Help us to calm the inward fear and anxiety that the news of the day causes us.
We pray for a healing resolution to the pandemic …
We pray for the safety of our families and loved ones …
We pray for strength, courage, and safety for the frontline workers we depend on …
We pray that our leaders make wise choices in the restricting and in the easing of restrictions as we move forward … 

Help us to see the human realities of life in places where there is war, violence, and injustice.
We pray for all those who are marginalized by the colour of their skin, their choice of religion, their sexuality, their manner of dress and all outward things that block us from getting to know the person inside…
We pray for those who struggle to find the necessities of life – food, clean water, shelter, and safety…
We pray for all those who are living with tragedy, both personal and communal …for the people of Lebanon as they deal with the aftermath of the explosion …for those who have lost loved ones, especially in these times where we cannot gather together to grieve or to comfort…
We pray for the places in the world where there is political unrest and violence… for the people of the United States …for the people of Belarus…

Help us hear the voice of Wisdom calling us into relationship with you and with each other.
We pray for the voices that struggle to speak over the din…
We pray for those who close their ears, their minds, and their hearts to new or different perspectives…
We pray for ourselves that we may look at the world with the openness needed to discern and to make a difference. 

Help us to see past the frightening, and sometimes ugly, things that are happening so that we can celebrate the good and beautiful things in creation and in each other.

Help us know, God of Love and Compassion, that you have not abandoned us, that you are still calling out to us from the street corner, that we are still invited to Lady Wisdom’s table.

We pray for ourselves; we pray for our communities, we pray for this world – and we remember the wisdom of Jesus in the words he taught – words we repeat together:         

Our Father, who art in heaven,
Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kin-dom come, thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread
And forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kin-dom, the power and the glory,
Forever and ever,

Invitation to Offer:                    

With graciousness and open arms, Lady Wisdom spreads a sumptuous table and invites all to share in the experience. In this same spirit, may we too share our bounty with others.

I now invite you to offer your gifts of time, talents and resources as expressions of your gratitude to God’s blessings.  If you are not on PAR and wish to send in your offering and donations, you can drop them in the slot by the kitchen door of the church or mail them to BCUC. You can also send in your support through e-transfer. Thank you for your continued love and support to BCUC.

Offertory Prayer[4]:

Let these gifts, O God, spread your wisdom through the teachings of the scriptures
And your love through the help we give to each other, our community and the wider world.

Sending Forth[5]:     

And now may the light of the sun be our guide,
The warmth of the summer breezes refresh our spirits,
The generosity of the earth be our model for discipleship,
And may God bless us, and bless us kindly, today and always.

Hymn:   “Open Your Ears, O Faithful People”   Voices United #272

1.     Open your ears, O faithful people,
Open your ears, and hear God’s word.
Open your hearts, O faithful people,
God now speaks to you. 

            God has spoken to the people, hallelujah!
            And those words are words of wisdom, hallelujah! Hallelujah! 

2.     They who have ears to hear the message,
They who have ears, now let them hear.
They who would learn the way of wisdom,
Let them hear God’s word.

Music Hasidic melody harm © 1985 Richard Proulx GIA pub
& Words from the Talmud, English © 1975 Willard Jabusch
Song #29999 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Departing: Beer with Jesus - Huckaby/Miller/Akins    Performer: Rory Gardiner

Zoom Fellowship hosted by Lorrie at 11 am. Link has been emailed. See you there!

[1] From The Abingdon Worship Annual edited by Mary J. Scifres and B.J. Beu, Copyright © Abingdon Press. 

[2] Inspired by Jean Barkley and Mark Fleming, Gathering Summer-Autumn 2010, p39. Used with permission.

[3] Sheryl McLeod, Gathering Pentecost 1 2019, p46. Used with permission.

[4] Karen Boivin, Gathering Pentecost 1 2018, p45. Used with permission.

[5] Bob Root, Gathering Summer-Autumn 2010, p43. Used with permission.