Sunday school activities - February 28, 2021

Focus: “What’s in a Name?” (Mark 8: 27)

All of us have names or nicknames. Have you ever wondered where your name came from? Why did your mom and dad call you by your name or names? Do you know the meaning of your name?

Read the gospel story from The Message here.

What about Jesus? What names was he given? Some say he was the Son of God, others call him Saviour. In the gospel reading, some people thought he was John the Baptist or Elijah. Peter called him Messiah. 

There are also many hymns, songs, and Bible stories that talk about Jesus being 'like' something or reminding us of something else (you may have learned about similes and metaphors at school!).  What do you think about when you hear: "Jesus the Good Shepherd"?  What qualities or characteristics does that suggest?  How about when He's called "the Light of the World"? What about you? What's your favourite image or name for Jesus? Who do you say Jesus is?  

Who are you?  How would you describe yourself to someone - maybe a friend you've only met virtually and doesn't know you beyond the screen?  What is important to you?  What defines you?  Who or what do you want to be?

Do you know that God calls each of us, including Jesus, with a wonderful name? That name is “Beloved.” It is a good name. It means 'Loved by God'. In the Children's Story for today's service, Rev. Kim asked us to 'Live up to that name!'  How would someone who is 'loved by God' live and work and interact with others and the world?

Response Activity Ideas

Jesus is like…. I am like…

Gather colouring tools and print out the worksheet (or use blank paper).  At the top, draw a picture that represents the name or image you have for Jesus, and fill in the sentence to explain what you drew.  At the bottom, think about yourself.  What skills, qualities, gifts can you share with others?  What are you like for the people around you?  Again, draw a picture and explain with words.

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Jesus I AM statements

Grab a Bible and look up the verses on the handout.  Can you match them to the descriptions in the second column?

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Illustrated Ministry Lenten Package – Week 2 – Sharing our hearts

The reflection for this week discusses how Jesus’ parents, Mary and Joseph had to learn about who Jesus was and was to become.  Sometimes parents and kids don’t always understand each others’ point of view or who they are and want to be.  “Curiosity helps us remain open to each other, continue learning about each other, and respect each other.” Try out the activity on pg. 24 to learn more about your family!

(If you have not yet received a Lenten package in your mailbox but would like one, please contact the church office.)