Sunday school activities - May 9, 2021

Theme Discussion

Today is the day we traditionally call “Mother’s Day”! It’s a day to celebrate Moms and the hard work they do and the love they share. What are some ways a mother shows love for her child?

In the church calendar, though, today’s celebration has been changed to “Christian Family Sunday.”  Why do you think that is?  It makes it a great day to honour all the people who love us with the kind of loving relationship between a mother and child.

Even though most of us will still celebrate the mothers in our lives today, it’s a good reminder that there are many other people who love us and care for us in our lives and that we should celebrate them too.  Are there other people in your life that show you this kind of love?

In our scripture reading today, Jesus gives his disciples the commandment to “Love one another as I have loved you.” We have heard this in other scripture readings too. It is probably the most important thing Jesus ever said. If everyone really did this, the world would be more like the world that God dreams for us. So, it makes sense that it is repeated over and over again!

In this reading from John 15:9-17, that we heard today, Jesus tells his disciples that he loves them the way God loves him. He invites them to make themselves “at home” in that love. I think he means that his love for them is safe and secure, that it will never go away. He tells them that he wants them to share all the joy that he feels. This sounds a lot like the way a mother loves a child, doesn’t it? But Jesus doesn’t call them that, he calls them friends.

Maybe calling them “friends” is a reminder that the love and care are meant to go both ways!

What are some ways friends show their love for each other?

Can you think of some ways the love of a mother and the love of a friend are the same and ways they are different?

Response Activity Ideas

Heart Wreath

Print out the hearts (or make your own) and cut out each one.  Arrange the hearts in order to make a selection from the Bible passage from today.  These could be coloured and glued down around the edge of a paper plate or circular piece of construction paper like a wreath.  Extra hearts are included, and/or make your own from different coloured paper to fill out the wreath. In the centre, draw a picture showing a way of loving others the way Jesus showed us.

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Connected Family/Friends – Heart paper chain

Materials: construction paper or card stock, writing tools, scissors, tape or stapler

Cut many strips of paper approx. 1”x 11”.  On each, write the name of someone you love – it could be family members, friends, pets… Next, fold each strip in half, with the names on the outside.  Bend in the open edges of one piece to make a heart shape and secure with tape or staples.  Loop another strip through the first heart and form into a heart as before. Continue to make a long chain of love!


Scripture Word Cloud

Read the today’s scripture passage on the handout and make a word cloud highlighting the words and ideas that are in Jesus’ message.

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“I love you more than…”

A silly game to play with your family:

Start by saying “I love you more than…” followed by something beginning with the letter A.  Then the next person says, “I love you more than…” repeating your item, and then adding another item beginning with the letter B.  Continue like this, with each person trying to remember all the came before, as well as adding something for the next letter. Can you get to the end of the alphabet?