Sunday school activities - August 28

The scripture reading for this week is Luke 14:1, 7-14. You can watch it here:

Think & Learn

When I was growing up, my mom and dad always sat at the two ends of the table; we children seemed to always sit in the same places each time too. Even when we had company, the one thing that never changed was that Mom and Dad sat in their usual spots. Do you have a special place you like to sit at the dinner table? Does your family have set places for each person, or do you just sit wherever you want each meal? What about on special occasions; is there a special chair for the person celebrating their birthday or do they still sit in the same spot?

In today’s story, Jesus is at a wedding banquet and he notices that people are all scrambling to get the best seat, at the head of the table by the host. He tells them that this is the wrong way to go about it. You can’t make yourself the most important person in the room just by taking that seat! It would be very embarrassing if the host says, “Sorry, this seat is reserved for this special guest. You will have to move.” Jesus says it is better to start by being humble and assuming that you will be seated at one of the less desirable spots, so that, if the host comes and says, “Oh, please come sit up here by me!” you will be honoured rather than embarrassed.


Think about the difference between the two examples in Jesus’ story.

How would you describe the person that pushed their way into the seat of honour?

How would you describe the person who let others rush for the “good seats” and found a spot out of the way?

How do you think the other people felt about each of those people?

Have you ever met someone who thought they were better than everyone else in the room?

Maybe they think only their ideas are good…maybe they don’t give others a chance to talk…maybe they brag about their clothes or their house or their abilities… How do you feel when you are around people like this, who “puff themselves up”?

Have you ever met someone who always offers to let others go first, or who likes to share things, or who compliments others’ clothes or abilities? How do you feel when you are around people like this, who are “humble”.

Which kind of person do you think will have the most friends? Which kind of friend would you like to be?

Which kind of person do you think Jesus wants us to be? Why?


Can you think of someone you know who works hard at a job we all need but does not always get the the appreciation they deserve? (Perhaps the clerk at a store or the people who deliver your mail or pick up the garbage, ect.) Make a thank you card and deliver it to them.

Then, if you have time, find the hidden words: