Sunday school activities - August 7, 2022

Think and Learn

This scripture has 3 messages:

1. Don’t be afraid!

2. Get rid of your “stuff” and collect “treasures” instead.

3. Be ready!

1. In the first message, Jesus is telling his followers not to worry about things so much. God

is with us to make sure we have what we need – maybe not what we want, but what we

need. We know that not everyone in the world has what they need. There are people

who are hungry or who have no home; there are people who always live with war and

violence and don’t know peace; there are lots of problems in the world, for sure. But, if

we look around, the answers to these problems are probably there. The trouble is that

those of us who have more than we need might have to let give up some of our comfort

and luxury to give others the things they need.

2. The second message tells us something about how we can do that – get rid of our

“stuff”. So much of what we think is valuable is really just “stuff” after all. So, instead of

collecting and saving that “stuff”, Jesus says we should collect “treasures”. I don’t think

he means valuable items like jewels or cars or even money - that’s just more “stuff after

all! He wants us to build up the kind of treasure that will make a difference in the world

– things like love, trust, responsibility, generosity, kindness…

He also tells us to make a strong “purse” to keep those treasures in. where do you think

you could keep that kind of treasure safe? Would you keep them in a titanium box? Or is

Jesus talking about some other place?

3. The third message says we should always be ready for when God or Jesus might come. It

would be easy to be ready if we had an email or a phone call to tell us that he’s on his

way, but we never know when Jesus is going to come through the door.


1. Jesus tells his followers to sell their possessions. I don’t think he is saying that he doesn’t

want us to have nice things, though; he just doesn’t want us to hoard too many things

when we could use them to help others. How do you think you could help someone else

by getting rid of some of your things?

2. What do you think is the “strong purse” that Jesus wants his followers to make? Where

can you hold on to things like love, trust, responsibility, generosity, kindness? How do

you make it stronger?

What are some other “treasures” that you could keep in that “purse”?

3. What do you think it means to be ready for when He comes? What does being ready for

Jesus look like? When do you think you should start getting ready?


1. Heaven Treasure


Print out the colouring page. On each picture of a jewel write something that counts as treasure in God's Kingdom. For example, sharing your toys or donating food to the food bank. Think of things that you can do to make the kind of treasure that God counts. Then colour the jewels.

2. Clutter Clearing Scavenger Hunt


Check out your own room and stuff, and see if you can find at least one of each of the following items:

  • A piece of clothing that you don't wear anymore (maybe you outgrew it) that you can give to someone smaller than you.

  • Something that you don't need to keep that can go into a recycling box.

  • A toy or game that you don't play with anymore that you can give away to someone who would like it.

  • Something you would like to share with a friend or sibling (maybe a treat like some candy, or a game you would like to play with them).

  • A book to donate to the library because you aren't going to read it again.

  • Something you don't need but can use to decorate a homemade greeting card (then make one with it).

Once you have found as many of these items as you can, then spend some time doing the things suggested with them (giving them away, recycling, sharing, etc.) Make sure you only find things from your own stuff (not your brother's or sister’s or parents' stuff) for this game, and check with a parent before giving or throwing away stuff. 

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