
Announcements - April 5, 2020


3955 Old Richmond Rd., Nepean, ON K2H 5C5
Tel: 613-820-8103 Fax: 613-820-5628
Website:   Email:
Facebook: @bellscornersunitedchurch
Minister: Rev. Kim Vidal       Ministry Candidate: Lorrie Lowes
Music Director: Abe TeGrotenhuis 
Office Administrators:
Ruth Timms, Ellen Boynton
Chair, Church Board:
John MacFarlane

ANNOUNCEMENTS: April 5, 2020

Palm Sunday Worship Service and Sunday School at Home for April 5 have been emailed to the congregation. Please visit our website,, where you will find both audio and video recordings of the worship service including Kim’s sermon, story for the Young at Heart from Lorrie, Abe’s music, Sunday School info from Erin and weekly announcements.


This is an appeal to please continue to support BCUC financially.

  • E-transfer is now available See details further along.

  • You can drop off your offering envelopes or cheques in a mail slot located in the back-entrance door or mail them to BCUC.

  • For the non-PAR users, consider using PAR – call the office for more information.

  • You can also donate through

Thank you for your continued love and support to BCUC!

Please call or send an e-mail if you have concerns or questions. Your needs will be addressed by staff, as much as possible. Mail will still be picked up and processed regularly.

Staff Meeting – Every Monday at 2 pm via Webex hosted by Rev. Kim.

Lectionary Group – Join Rev. Kim via Webex for online lectionary discussion on Tuesday, April 7 at 10:30 am. Theme and Text: The Women and the Empty Tomb (Mark 16: 1-8).

An Easter issue of BellRinger will be published by April 17. Please submit items to the office ( by Monday April 6 for this issue.

INTERAC E-TRANSFER: It is now possible to transfer funds directly to BCUC through your online banking service.

First, set up BCUC as an Interac e-Transfer payee using '' as the email address. Then, for each transaction to send money, please enter the dollar amount, select your bank account for withdrawal of funds and select BCUC as the payee.

In the Message line, add your Name and the Purpose of the Funds, if other than a regular donation, and, for a charitable receipt add your envelope number or home address.

Note: a security question and answer is not required as BCUC has enabled Auto deposit of your funds into the BCUC Operating Account.

Final Step: Review your transaction details to ensure they are complete and correct before pressing SEND.

Thank you for your donation.

(In the comfort of your home!) Worship services and reflections will be emailed to you and posted on our website:

Palm Sunday – April 5
Sermon Focus: “Cloaks, Branches, Hosannas!” (Mark 11: 1-11)
Please have a worship centre with some colourful scarves or cloths, palms or branches and a candle.
Maundy Thursday – April 9
Good Friday – April 10
Easter Sunday & Communion – April 12
Sermon Focus: “The Spices of Life” (Mark 16: 1-8)
Please prepare your own communion elements - bread or crackers and juice or wine to be shared or partake during the service.

Palm Sunday is April 5. Since we cannot gather, but we have received palm fronds, you are invited to drop by the church and help yourself to one or several to use for Palm Sunday. They will be in a bucket by the front door where you can pick up only the ones you wish to take. 

FAMSAC: FAMSAC has been very busy over these days.  The items most needed are: canned corn, canned chicken, juice boxes, canned fruit, pasta sauce, granola bars (nut free). These items could be donated at the FAMSAC bins in the stores. Thank you!

Midweek Prayer Circle – Join the members of the Pastoral and Spiritual Care Team for a simultaneous prayer circle every Wednesday at 8 pm at your home! Send your prayer requests to Rev. Kim ( Check the website for more information.

Secret Pal notes can be emailed to to be forwarded to the recipient.  Scanned artwork or photos might be fun to include where possible. Watch for details of a plan to meet your Secret Pal at a lunch party when it is possible.

Ottawa West End Community Chaplaincy: Our church has been a faithful and generous supporter of the Chaplaincy since its beginning. The planned AGM is now postponed until a future date. You will be notified.

Lenten Project:  Veterans’ House: Our goal is $8000!  To date, $4,228.25 has been raised. You may make donations by mail, by e-transfer or by leaving them through the mail slot at the kitchen door of the church. They will be picked up regularly. We are more than half way there!!

The 2020 Progressive Learning Circle Conference with Rev. Gretta Vosper scheduled in May has been cancelled until further notice.

Because we don’t have enough submissions yet for the Book of Memories, Volume 2, the deadline of April 5th is extended to May 3rd to give you a final opportunity to send in a memory or story or photo.  Please think about the events in our church which have had meaning for you and your family, and write/email about them.  Send your memories to or to BCUC office,  If you have questions, call Bob Ferguson at 613-828-9610.  Thanks.

Do you know that we have a
Bells Corners United Church Facebook page? If you have a facebook account, please visit and like our BCUC page. Information is posted there on a regular basis.

Camp Awesome 2020 will be held at BCUC July 13-17. Registration forms are now available on the website or by contacting Tamara Glanville at 592-4575.

Worship Services at Retirement Homes – postponed until further notice.

Offers of Help:

*Tina Fowler (819-329-2899) has offered to pick up groceries for people when she goes to COSTCO.

*Martin Hughes, owner of Mort’s Pub, has offered to provide pickup and delivery service for anyone needing groceries or prescriptions. His telephone number is 613-829-0123 and he can be reached during work hours, 11am -8 pm. 

* Michel at the IDA Pharmacy is offering free delivery twice a day Monday- Friday and a virtual clinic where doctors can call patients on phone to prescribe medications.

POSTPONED - CONFIRMATION CLASS 2020.  Information about new dates will be provided as soon as they are known.

The COVID-19 Rapid Response Fund from the Ottawa Community Foundation is a response to an unprecedented situation.

This rapid-response fund supports urgent issues, particularly those being experienced disproportionately within vulnerable sectors. This includes those sectors without access to other supports, such as government subsidies. Priorities are changing, sometimes hour by hour, and this fund is designed to respond to pressing needs.

The fund is seeded with reserves from the Ottawa Community Foundation, along with support from donors and partners.

The link is:

Long Term Care Facility Residents

Please keep the following people in your prayers 

Beth Begbie                Thorncliffe Place, Nepean
Ida Blackwell               Carleton Lodge, Nepean
Jean Burgess               Peter Clark Centre, Nepean
Arthur Buss                 Stillwater Creek, Nepean
Jack Calderwood         The Westwood, Ottawa
Betty Clarke                Carlingview Manor, Ottawa  
Lois Donaldson            Starwood, Nepean
Bill Dormer                  Saint-Vincent Hospital, Ottawa
Jack Fraser                  Park Place Seniors' Suites and Retirement Residence 
Colette Hale                Lynwood Park, Nepean
Marion Helgason        Stillwater Creek, Nepean
Joy Lecuyer                  Empress, Kanata
Doug MacKechnie       Stillwater Creek, Nepean
Barbara McFall           Lynwood Park Lodge, Nepean
Gail Mutton                West End Villa, Nepean
Dave Peck                   Valley Stream Manor, Nepean           
Doreen Pope               Granite Ridge, Stittsville
Margaret Ritchie        Barrhaven Retirement Community, Nepean
Thelma Seguin            Robertson House, Nepean
Sherrill Shaver             Garden Terrace, Kanata
Eula Smith                   Bridlewood Trails, Kanata
Reta Stinson                Medex Extendicare, Nepean
Pat Westmaas            Harmer House, Nepean
Bill Wilson                   Redwoods, Nepean

If you know of other congregation members who should be included in this list, please call the office with details.