
BCUC Outdoor Market is October 17

Outdoor Market at Bells Corners United Church
3955 Old Richmond Rd. (at Moodie Dr.)
October 17, 10 am - 2 pm

We are planning sales areas for baking, deli (we have heard that there will be turkey pies!), crafts, sewing/knitting, gift baskets and books.

Bring books (published in the past 25 years) to the church during office hours the week before the market. Donations of baking, preserves, sewing, knitting will be welcomed. Contact the office at (613) 820-8103 if you have sewing/crafts/knitting to donate.

Bring your friends, your mask and join us to safely enjoy our market.

More In-Person Modified Worship Services offered on selected Sundays

For this and all events we are following public health recommendations related to COVID-19 safety. If you would like to attend, please read more about the service below. You must pre-register by the Wednesday before each service by using the online form (find the link below for the service you want to attend) or by contacting the office at (613) 820-8103 or

Sept. 13 In-Person Modified Virtual Worship Service

We are offering another in-person modified worship service on Sunday, September 13, at 10am

For this and all events we are following public health recommendations related to COVID-19 safety. If you would like to attend, please read more about the service below. You must pre-register before September 9 by using the online form or by contacting the office at (613) 820-8103 or

Description of Service

This service will consist of viewing a video service similar to our current online worship videos along with some segments of the service led in-person by our pastoral staff. There will be no Sunday School or nursery care.

In-Person Modified Virtual Worship Service - Sept. 6

BCUC will open its doors for our first modified in-person worship service on Sunday, September 6

For this and all events we are following public health recommendations related to COVID-19 safety. If you would like to attend, or to help as an usher, please read more about the service below. You must pre-register before August 30 by using the online form or by contacting the office at (613) 820-8103 or

Description of Service

Our first few in-person services will consist of viewing a video service similar to our current online worship videos along with some segments of the service led in-person by our pastoral staff.

Volunteers Needed

As BCUC begins to reopen this Fall, we have several upcoming events that we are seeking volunteers for, including a 'Two Men & A Stove' outdoor BBQ on August 22 and our first modified in-person worship service on September 6. For all events, we are following public health recommendations related to COVID-19 safety. If you are able to help, please contact the office at (613) 820-8103 or

Two Men & A Stove outdoor BBQ - Reserve your seat now!

Two Men & A Stove invite you to a small outdoor BBQ on Saturday, August 22 between 11am and 12pm, on the grassy area in front of the church.

Your choice of a HAMBURGER, or HOTDOG, with onions, condiments (ketchup, mustard, relish), small bag of chips, and a soft drink, all for $5.00 per person. Proceeds go to BCUC Operating fund. Cash accepted!

Health & Safety measures will prevail: 2 metre (6 feet) distancing will be observed and masks will be worn until seated; families will sit together; tables will be cleaned between sittings; all refuse will be removed from the church grounds …

Come for David's flowers and lunch!


Book of Memories, Volume 2, is now available for purchase

Given the pandemic situation, if you would like to order a print copy for a suggested minimum donation of $30, please either email the office at or call 613-820-8103 to place your name on the list. Copies will be printed and mailed to you on receipt of payment.

If you would like a digital copy for a suggested minimum donation of $15, please send an e-mail request and it will be e-mailed to you.

New Survey: Christian Education Summer Activities

Due to COVID-19 restrictions on church activities, we will not be able to run children’s programming like we normally do in the summer. While the summer is normally a time when we step back and recharge for Sunday School in the fall, we also recognize that now is an important time for families to connect and deepen in faith together. We need your input! Please fill out this short survey to let us know which events and resources you and your child(ren) would be interested in this summer. Please share your ideas as well!

Camp Awesome 2020 is online!

This year, Camp Awesome 2020 will take place at home through the month of July. Registration is FREE. There will be a zoom session in the morning (10:00 - 11:15) for the younger children and a zoom session in the afternoon (1:00 - 2:15) for the older children. By registering your children for one, two, three or four weeks, they will receive (by mail) materials and supplies to follow along.

Take our quick Summer Events Survey

Due to COVID-19 restrictions on church activities, we will not be able to run the events and fundraisers that we normally would through the Summer. But we are brainstorming activities that we can do together (apart) while staying safe.

We need your input! Please fill out this short survey to let us know which events you would be interested in. Please share your ideas as well!

2020 Summer Student Job: Christian Education Program Assistant

The Summer Student will have 3 main areas of focus:

  1. To assist in the enhancement of BCUC’s ability to create an engaging online experience for members of the congregation and the community in which the church is situated.

  2. To assist in maintaining communications with the congregation and the community.

  3. To assist the Church Committees as they identify tasks that will maintain and enhance the mission of Bells Corners United Church.

Submit your photos for our 'Celebrating Mothers' service

This Sunday we are celebrating mothers and all those who are like mothers to us - so we are looking for some photos for our online worship video!

Please consider sending a photo of you with your mother, or of you holding a sign that celebrates your mother (I love you Mom! My Mom is a superhero…) or mothers in general, or a drawing your children have made of their mother, or a mother with her fur babies… you get the idea.

Email your submissions to Lorrie by Thursday to enable us to put this together for Sunday.

Many thanks,
