BCUC Spring Garage Sale & E-waste Collection

BCUC Spring Garage Sale, Saturday May 11, 9am - 1pm. Shop from a variety of sales areas: Baking, Books, Women’s & Children’s Clothing, White Elephant, ‘Treasures’, Plants, Children’s Books & Toys, Linens, Furniture, Youth BBQ. Scouts are holding an E-waste Collection. Bring electronic items for recycling, ie computers and accessories, appliances, tools, wires, metal, accessories, etc) but no environmental waste (fluorescent bulbs, paint, smoke detectors etc.

Lenten Appeal

This year, BCUC’s Lenten Appeal will support the United Church of Zambia mission site in Chipembi. This is the place that Hazel, Doyle, and Lorrie have visited. It is the home of the Chipembi Girls’ Secondary School, which they partnered with, but also includes a Church, a Medical Centre, an Agricultural College, and a Basic School (grades JK to 7). All parts of the mission and the people who live there would benefit greatly from a partnership with BCUC - and we will benefit greatly from…