Allison Houston
Music Director
I am so happy to lead the Music Ministry at Bells Corners United. Like Lorrie, I too am a previous member of this congregation. I found a home here when we moved to Kanata, from Manitoba, in 1998. My roommate from University days in Brandon, Leslie Wade, was a member here. She invited me to sing at the Spring Concert, and... that was that. My children were baptized here. My youngest was the ‘choir baby’ during the lead up to a musical, and happily got passed around from person to person throughout the rehearsal period. I was so glad to have a church family during the time my children were young.
I have been involved in music all my life. Piano lessons, voice lessons, music theory lessons. Church choirs, school choirs, community choirs, Provincial and National Youth Choirs, professional choirs. I was in Grad School at Arizona State University, when I realized that singing was the vehicle for me to find my voice, not just as a musician, but also as a person, as a soul. That is the power of singing. That is the power of music. That is the power of community focused on using our voices and our bodies to channel the Divine.
Music is a core component of life in a community of faith. It is something we all share in, every week. It can be joyful, thought provoking, inspiring, challenging, soothing, nostalgic, and so much more. The music within a service should provide a framework of beauty, to help elevate our thoughts and mood, to put us in a state to receive the messages from the gospels, from the sermon, from the people around us, and most importantly, from God.
My goal in my musical collaborations is always to create a space for exploration, for beauty, for fun, and for joy. That has been my mantra with my Kanata Montessori classroom, my Military Wives Choir, with the music program at Stittsville United, and with the West Ottawa Ladies Chorus.
My core approach here at BCUC will be: Anyone and Everyone is welcome. If you want to learn about yourself, about God, make deep connections with people, and have a lot of fun in the process, then the church music program is the place for you!
I’m looking forward to playing all the amazing instruments in this building, to get a chance to be in the band, to improve my ukulele skills, lead choirs, to create beautiful services, and to have great times with wonderful people.
Life can be short – let’s spend it making music!