Help needed for FAMSAC Christmas Hampers


We are hoping that your family/office/organization will contribute $100 which will provide a family with food for a Christmas dinner (turkey, stuffing, potatoes, carrots, etc.) as well as a week of meals. A receipt for income tax purposes will be issued for each donation.

Preparing the hampers

Your assistance is needed for the preparation of these hampers. Our schedule is as follows:

  • Tuesday, Dec. 18th, 1:00 to 3:00 p.m. Packing hampers

  • Wednesday, Dec. 19th, 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Delivering hampers

These activities take place at St. Martin de Porres Church. Please sign the form at the Information desk if you are able to assist or contact the BCUC office at (613) 820-8103 or With your help many less fortunate families will have a Merry Christmas.

Do you need help this Christmas?

Please call (613) 820-5428 to request a Christmas hamper or if you know someone who would benefit.