Message from Rev. Kim Vidal

Dear friends at BCUC,

As concern over the spread of COVID-19 impacts the life and ministry of our congregation and forces us to do things differently, let us be reminded that despite social distancing and not meeting for a short period of time, we are still connected in God’s love. On those Sundays that we are not gathering at worship, I will be sending via email a weekly Lenten worship service including my sermon which you can use for your individual or family time of reflection. Erin will also send Sunday School materials with activities that you can do as a family especially those with children.

Members of the Pastoral & Spiritual Care Team are available to offer care for those in need via telephone or email. Celebration of Life Services and Weddings will not be held on the church premises until further notice. Please check our website ( on a regular basis for updates and other information. If you have any issues or concerns or wish to stay connected, please leave a message at 613-820-8103 or send an email to Someone from the church office will respond to you.

These are the times when we and those around us need assurance that we’re not alone, and that together we will get through whatever lies ahead. Now is the time to lift each other up in prayer and to offer acts and words of kindness and love. Remember that we do not walk this road alone. Let us be a calm, non-anxious presence in the midst of fear, anxiety, panic or isolation. Continue to pray for each other especially those affected by this virus. Pray as well for the first responders, the doctors, the nurses, the caregivers and all sectors in our government and in the world, who are working hard to combat this pandemic. Think of our members – young and seniors, all families and individuals and pray for them. Think of Lorrie and Neil who are in Zambia and the many members of our church, who are outside Canada, that they may be able to come home safely. Be vigilant. Be informed. Be safe. We are in this situation together and I’m positive that it will pass.

Finally, remember this verse from Paul to calm your spirit in this time of uncertainty:

“Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God. And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus”. (Philippians 4:6-7)

We are not alone. God is with us. Be safe and stay healthy!

Rev. Kim