BCUC Midweek Prayer Circle, 8 pm every Wednesday (wherever you are)

The practice of praying is nothing new. It is a spiritual practice that many of us at Bells Corners United Church take to heart and observe on a regular basis. Praying is about listening and being attentive to yourself, others, the community where we live and the world. Praying is about transformation and healing. It changes how we act and who we are. Praying is about offering love when we cannot be present for the other, reminding us of the words of St. Augustine when he said that “true, whole prayer is nothing but love.”

During this time of social and physical distancing, isolation and uncertainty, when many of us feel lost and fearful of things around us, we can pray for each other.

We invite you to join us in prayer from the comforts of your homes and spaces.

Every Wednesday at 8 pm, light a candle and pray.

Start with a short moment of silence by grounding yourself in the presence of God’s Spirit.

Pray for your family, your loved ones wherever they are.

Pray for your neighbours and those in our congregation.

Pray for the community where you live – this includes the many people who make our life easier in this challenging time: the first responders, the health workers, the grocers, the postal people, the pharmacists, the delivery people, the manufacturers, the farmers, religious and political leaders.

Pray for those grieving, the lonely, the sick, the homeless, those with Physical and mental health issues.

Pray for the world especially those countries affected by the pandemic.

And finally, pray for yourself. Pray that you will have the strength and courage and good health for the coming days.

The list is endless.

If you have prayer requests, kindly email them to Rev. Kim (revkim@bcuc.org) and she will lift them up in her prayers. Make sure to include the initials of the person/s you are praying for and the reason or issue why you are praying for them. Rev. Kim assures you that this will be treated confidential.

Pray. God is still listening.

(Photo courtesy of Rev. Kim)