Sunday School at-home activities - May 17, 2020


Do you a favourite sports team that you cheer for? A favourite brand of juice or pop that you prefer over the others (Coke vs. Pepsi?) How about a preferred restaurant? Do you sometimes have to stand up and defend your choice when others have a different favourite? Remind your family now about what makes your favourite ‘thing’ the best of the rest! In today’s story, Jesus’ followers are standing up for and sharing about what they believe in.

Theme Discussion

Beginner to Grade 5

Today’s Bible story takes place after Jesus has died. His followers have been preaching on the Temple steps, telling everyone about the wonderful things that Jesus said and did. We call what they were doing “witnessing” to their faith in Jesus. Even though the Priests told them to stop, they didn’t. They thought the message was important and they were brave enough to keep telling it.

When we “witness” our faith, sometimes we do this in words – maybe telling someone else the things we know and believe about Jesus and the lessons he taught us. We have some hymns that talk about this… “I want to Shout, Shout, Shout Out My Love for Jesus, for Jesus”… Or “Shout for God”.

Sometimes we use actions to show what we believe instead of words. Can you think of some ways that you can “witness” the lessons that Jesus taught? How do you show the world that you are a Christian, a follower of Jesus?

Intermediate and UP Group

Acts 5:27-32 New Revised Standard Version (NRSV)

27 When they had brought them, they had them stand before the council. The high priest questioned them, 28 saying, “We gave you strict orders not to teach in this name, yet here you have filled Jerusalem with your teaching and you are determined to bring this man’s blood on us.” 29 But Peter and the apostles answered, “We must obey God rather than any human authority. 30 The God of our ancestors raised up Jesus, whom you had killed by hanging him on a tree. 31 God exalted him at his right hand as Leader and Savior that he might give repentance to Israel and forgiveness of sins. 32 And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit whom God has given to those who obey him.”

After Jesus’ death, the disciples – or apostles as they were now called – continued to teach the lessons that he had taught and to tell the world that Jesus was the Christ, the Messiah, and the Son of God. They wanted people to hear and understand Jesus’ vision of “The Way” – a way to live that could change the world. Remember that these apostles were Jewish men. They didn’t see themselves as starting a new religion; they were looking at a different way of understanding the Jewish scriptures, a different way of being faithful to God’s dream for a better world. It made sense that they would do their preaching in the places that Jewish people gathered. In this story, they have been preaching right on the steps of the Temple – and the Temple Priests weren’t happy about it. They arrested them and took them before the council or court of the Temple.

“We told you to stop this! You are making us look bad!” they were told.

“We can’t stop,” they answered. “We believe this message is the truth that God wants the people to hear and we have to share it.”

What the apostles are doing is “witnessing”. We all know that word when it comes to court cases or trials. A witness is someone who saw it happen and are asked to stand up in court and tell the truth about it. Well, this is what the apostles were doing. They had seen what Jesus did and they had heard what he said – and they saw the difference that these teachings could make. They were standing up to tell the people the truth as they witnessed it.

Today in the church, we still talk about “witnessing”. It means proclaiming your faith or your beliefs. In our United Church context, this doesn’t usually mean standing on a street corner proclaiming your faith in words or preaching, but it does mean showing your faith in your actions.

Can you think of some people you know who are good witnesses to the teachings of Jesus? What do they do that makes you think this?

How can you witness your faith today?

Response Activity Ideas

Sharing my faith

Print out the following template. In each of the speech bubbles, draw or write about ways you show your faith through actions or words. Colour the person to look like you!

Click to print PDF

Click to print PDF


Beaded fish or cross craft

Materials: beads, string/yarn, pipe cleaner, beading wire.

Make a ‘Jesus’ fish or cross ornament or key chain to show your beliefs.

Younger children could try this version using larger beads and pipe cleaners.

If you have the materials available, older children/youth could modify the craft by using smaller beads, putting beads on a piece of beading wire instead of a pipe cleaner, and perhaps stringing as a necklace or key chain.

This website shows how to make a beaded cross. Just use regular white glue if you don’t have glue dots and wait for it to dry before continuing.

Random Acts of Kindness

Cut 10 or more strips of paper. On each write a random act of kindness you could do for someone this week. Put the completed strips in a jar or container. Each morning pull one out and challenge yourself to do that act of kindness before the end of the day!

Closing Prayer

Loving God,
Help us not to be afraid to tell others about who we are.
Give us the strength to make good choices
and live out our beliefs in the world.
Be with us today and through the week ahead.