Sunday School at-home activities - May 24, 2020


Can you walk across the floor using just your hands? Give it a try… Just your hands, don’t let your feet touch the ground!

Unless you are a gymnast or an acrobat, this is really hard to do! Try it again with a partner. Let your partner hold your feet off the ground (like a wheel barrow). It’s still a little tricky - but much easier with a partner to help.


Ecclesiastes 4:9-12 The Message (MSG)

9-10 It’s better to have a partner than go it alone.
Share the work, share the wealth.
And if one falls down, the other helps,
But if there’s no one to help, tough!
11 Two in a bed warm each other.
Alone, you shiver all night.
12 By yourself you’re unprotected.
With a friend you can face the worst.
Can you round up a third?
A three-stranded rope isn’t easily snapped.

Theme Discussion (Younger children)

Our Bible reading today talks about the importance of working together. Watch and listen to this video about working together.

Talk about examples from the reading and the video where people supported one another. Can you think of other some times when it helps to have a partner working with you? (tidying your room, getting your coat on, carrying something heavy, playing a game…)

It’s also wonderful to have someone else around when you’re not feeling your best, like if you fall down, or feeling disappointed plans got changed... Can you think of other times it’s good to have another person there by your side?

BCUC has been working with Emmanuel United Church, here in Ottawa to create a partnership with the Mission in Chipembi, Zambia. Lorrie and Neil went there as representatives from Bells Corners and they traveled with some people from Emmanuel. They didn’t know each other very well before they left on this trip, but now they have become a team – and there are people in Chipembi who are part of that team too.

Our reading also talks about a “three-stranded rope.” Have you ever braided three strands of wool or string together? If you braid it or twist it good and tight, it is really hard to break it! Just like the rope, it takes all three partners working together to make this relationship strong so it will last a long time.

Theme Discussion (Older children and Youth)

This week, Lorrie and Neil will be sharing reflections from their recent Partnership Visit to Chipembi, Zambia. This is the second time that Lorrie has been to Chipembi but this time, the purpose of the trip was a little different. BCUC has been working with Emmanuel UC, here in Ottawa to create a partnership agreement with the Mission in Chipembi. Lorrie and Neil went as representatives from Bells Corners and they traveled with some people from Emmanuel. They didn’t know each other very well before they left on this trip, but now they have become a team – and there are people in Chipembi who are part of that team too.

Our reading today talks about the importance of working together – that’s what a partnership is all about, really – working with a friend or friends who have the same goals and concerns as you do, and helping each other along the way.

What partnerships are there in your life right now? What types of things do you contribute to the relationship? In what ways do you depend on others? What challenges are there when working as a team? How do you overcome them?

Our reading also talks about a “three-stranded rope.” Have you ever braided three strands of wool or string together? If you braid it or twist it good and tight, it is really hard to break it! That is kind of like what we are doing in joining with Emmanuel United Church and Chipembi. We are forming a partnership that is strong. Just like the rope, it takes all three partners working together to make this relationship strong so it will last a long time.

Response Activity Ideas

Good Friend worksheet

Print out the following worksheet. On it, draw a picture of you and a friend or sibling helping each other. Write about how you share your strengths and talents as you work together.

Click to print PDF

Click to print PDF


Braiding craft

Visit this website and follow the instructions to make a beaded, braided bracelet. The basic instructions can be followed using whatever size string and beads you have at home.

Learn more about Zambia


or search other areas of interest.

Consider some similarities and differences between the Canadian and Zambian way of life.

What are their gifts? What are their needs? In what ways could their lives be better/more enjoyable/improved through the partnership?

What are our gifts? What are our needs? In what ways could our lives be better/more enjoyable/improved through the partnership?

Closing Prayer

Thank you, God, for partners.
Thank you for all the ways our friends and partners have helped us.
Help us be good partners to others.
Help us to learn more about people around the world
And how we can partner with them to build your kin-dom here on earth.