Sunday school activities - June 26, 2022

(adapted from “The Lord’s Prayer: An Illustrated Curriculum” from Illustrated Children’s Ministry, 2019. Used with permission.)

Think and Learn

This is the third session in our lesson on the Lord’s Prayer. This week we will pray for our world, reflect on what God’s reign looks like and see how the Lord’s Prayer calls us to be active in bringing God’s transformative kin-dom to the world around us. The line that we will reflect on is this:

“Your kin-dom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

First, let’s talk about some important words.

A system organizes how a group of people live and work together. Family systems, educational systems, government systems; each system has its rules and expectations, but they can help us work together. 

Not all systems work well, though. In Jesus’ time, the Roman Empire, or kingdom, was the system governing everyone. Unfortunately, that system wasn’t a good one; the people in charge got more money and power while the poor became poorer. Even some systems today are like this.

God’s kin-dom, however, is a system where everyone is cared for, treated justly and has the things they need. When we pray “Your kin-dom come”, we commit to taking an active role in changing the unjust systems around us. We can bring about God’s kin-dom of justice and love by sharing with one another, listening to and learning from one another, laughing and crying with one another, and standing up for people treated wrongly. 

Jesus told several parables or stories about God’s kin-dom. For example, Jesus compares God’s kin-dom to a tiny mustard seed. Though it is a tiny seed, it grows to become an enormous tree providing shelter and food for other living things. This parable teaches us of how God’s kin-dom generously nourishes life and is gentle in its power.


  1. When did you stand up for someone who was being treated unfairly?

  2. Have you ever worked to change a rule that wasn’t fair to make life fairer  for yourself or someone else?

  3. Name some ways how you show your love and kindness to others at home, in school, at church and other places. 


Write a parable like the ones Jesus told about God’s kin-dom. Keep in mind that, in parables, everyday items and ideas are used to describe more complicated ideas. For example, comparing God’s kin-dom to a mustard seed. The parable you write should be about what you think the kin-dom of God would look like today.

This week’s colouring page has plenty of space for you to draw the parable you wrote.

colouring page

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