children's time

Time for Young at Heart podcast - March 29, 2020

Hi Everyone! I’ve missed you!

It seems so strange to come home after my trip to Zambia and not be able to call you all up to the chancel to tell you about it – and to see your smiling faces.

When I left, just a couple of weeks ago, people were getting ready to protect themselves from this new virus. We were all getting prepared. That’s the good thing about knowing that something is going to happen – you can get ready for it.

In today’s scripture reading, the disciples are talking about the magnificent temple in Jerusalem. It was a huge building made of enormous stones. Not only was it beautiful but it was strong and everyone was sure it would last forever. I think the disciples were excited to see it. They were oohing and aahing about it but Jesus told them a strange thing. He said, “See that great big building? One of these days it’s going to be destroyed completely.” 

Remember that this was before the time of bombs or even bulldozers. I bet those men could hardly imagine such a thing happening. It would have been a scary thing to think about. So, they wanted to know when it was going to happen. They wanted to be ready.

I think that’s a bit like what is happening in our world right now. We live in a time where we feel pretty safe. We were told that this new virus was coming and so we thought we could be ready for it. We know how to protect ourselves against getting sick, right? So, we are doing all the right things to protect ourselves. And that’s good! We knew it was coming and we were prepared.

When Neil and I left for Zambia, we took Lysol wipes to clean our seatbelts and tray tables and even the tv screen on each plane. We took hand sanitizer. We made sure we took our vitamins and had a good night sleep so we were strong and healthy. We were careful not to get too close to people. We did a good job of being prepared.

But there were some things we weren’t ready for – like worrying about getting back to Canada before the planes stopped flying, or not being able to see our family when we got home or not even go out of the house for groceries – or not even being able to go to church.

I know you have all had some changes to deal with too – no school, no play dates with friends, no visits to grandma and grandpa’s house, no sports practices. Some of you had to cancel March break vacations. At first, it’s kind of fun to think about being off school but I bet you are all starting to miss your friends and your teachers. I know they are missing you too.

No matter how well we thought we could be ready. There are some things we just didn’t imagine, right?

So, we have had to think of new ways to be together and new ways to carry on. I have loved reading about how families are going for walks and writing chalk messages for their neighbours on the sidewalks… how people are putting fun things in their windows for others to see… how people who can go out a little bit are helping those of us who have to stay home by picking up groceries and checking our mailboxes for us. I think we are making more phone calls to catch up with family and friends. Families are playing games and doing puzzles together. Things are different right now – but some of those differences are pretty nice, don’t you think?

I think the biggest message that has come out of this situation for me so far is that we are not alone. We have people who love us and who will find ways to show that love, even when they can’t be right beside us.

Someday, we will look back on this time and be amazed at how we all came together. This is a time that will be remembered in history – and you are part of it! So, keep on being the part that spreads light and love.

Are you ready?