June 5, 2022
Outdoor Worship Service
* The live service will be broadcasted and recorded on YouTube, check your email for the link.
The audio recording of the live service should be available by phone Monday afternoon at 613- 820-8104
Gathering Music/ Sing Out! Every Morning is Easter Morning
BCUC Choir
BCUC Music Team
1. I've got the joy (joy), joy (joy), joy (joy)! (3x)
Down in my heart (clap, clap) (2x)
Down in my heart to stay,
Down in my heart to … repeat
2. Love… 3. Light… 4. Joy…
Words traditional, Arranged and Music; Amy Grant
Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved
More Voices #13 – O Let the Power Fall on Me
O let the power fall on me, my Lord, let the power fall on me.
O let the power from heaven fall on me, let the power fall on me.
For we want justice and truth and love, my Lord, we want justice and truth and love (2x)
Music: traditional Caribbean song Words verse 1 and Adaptation by Birchfield Aymer
arrangement by Patrick Prescod © the Caribbean conference of Churches
Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved
More Voices #6 – Holy Spirit, Come Into Our Lives
Holy Spirit, come into our lives. Holy Spirit, make us truly wise (continuously)
Words and Music © 1998 Ken Canedo OCP Publications Song # 83119
Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved
Acknowledgement of Territory
Rev. Lorrie Lowes
This morning as we gather here on the beautiful grounds of our church, we recognize that this land was taken from the Algonquin Anishinaabe people by settlers in this territory long ago. We honour the original caretakers of this land, and we thank them for their example of love for creation. We pray that we can come together to care for the earth and each other, as friends.
Welcome, Announcements & Centering for Worship
Rev. Kim Vidal
Good morning! Let us greet each other in different languages.
Buenas dias! Bonne journee! Anionghaseyo! Masantos ya agew!
On behalf of Bells Corners United Church, I welcome and greet you in the name of Jesus Christ as we celebrate Pentecost Sunday. On that very first Pentecost gathering, the gift of the Holy Spirit gave the followers of Jesus the ability to speak in a multitude of languages to proclaim God's love and power. Today, we will celebrate this gift of languages as we embrace our common ground as a human family under one Spirit!
Beloved friends, may we feel the presence of the Holy Spirit, like those people gathered on that very first Pentecost gathering. May the winds of change and the tongues of flame rush into our hearts and empower our souls. Let us now centre ourselves in the presence of God as we gather in worship.
Lighting the Christ Candle
Acolytes: Berard Family
As we light this candle, we are reminded of the flame in each of us;
a fire of passion to be shared with the world.
Through Jesus, the physical reminder of God on Earth,
we feel the power and love inside ourselves.
With this invitation we are welcome; safe and ready to shine.
© 2016 The United Church of Canada/L’Église Unie du Canada.
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd) Licence.
Sung Response: This Little Light of Mine (Traditional)
This little light if mine, I’m gonna let is shine (3X)
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Hide it under a bushel, no! I’m gonna let it shine (3X)
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Everywhere I go, I’m gonna let it shine (3X)
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.
Traditional Spiritual
Song #84048 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved
Call to Gather
Rev. Lorrie & friends
(Paul Detterman, excerpt, Reformed Worship Magazine.)
People of God,
Peace be with you.
1: Salaam alaykum.
2: Namaste.
3: Shalom alaichem.
4 : Que la paix soit avec toi.
5 : Хай буде з вами мир (Khay bude z vamy myr)
Come, Holy Spirit, Advocate, Friend, Wind and Flame:
You break down barriers of language, race, and culture,
and heal the divisions that separate us.
Come, Spirit of Power, make us bold witnesses of your redeeming love.
Come, Reconciling Spirit and unite us all in the love of God.
Come, Creator Spirit and make us new creations in Jesus Christ.
Come, let us gather to celebrate!
Pentecost Prayer with Movement
Wendy Morrell & Dan Lanoue
(Inspired by the prayer of Paul Detterman, Reformed Worship Magazine.)
Come, Holy Spirit! Bring your mighty power into our lives.
Rush through our spirits, inspiring us to witness to the great love of God.
Come, Moving Spirit! Burn light bright flames in our hearts.
Emblazon us with the confidence of faith that our lives will show your love.
Come, Embracing Spirit! Advocate, Friend, Wind and Flame
You break down barriers of language, race, and culture,
and heal the divisions that separate us.
Come, Indwelling Spirit! Be with us today in our thoughts and our prayers.
Come, Wise Spirit! Be with us in our words and our deeds.
Come, Creator Spirit! and make us new creations in Jesus Christ. Amen
Hymn: Come O Holy Spirit - More Voices #23
1. Come, O Holy Spirit,
set the Church on fire;
strike it as the lightning
hits a posing spire.
Burn away the structures
and consume the sham
of our holy systems:
Come, in Jesus’ name!
Refrain (English)
Come, come, come, in Jesus name!
Take our hearts by storm.
All the world lies open
Pentecost is now! I said a - repeat
Refrain (French)
Viens, viens, au nom de Jésus
Tempête en nos coeurs;
Partout c’est l’attente
La Pentecôte est là! Et je dis: - repete
2. Blow away the cobwebs
of our stubborn past.
Come, send flying from us
myths unfit to last.
Wind of change, refresh us
and disturb our calm;
teach us what true love is,
take our hearts by storm. R
3. Free us from the babble
of our Babel mind;
spark in us a language
all can understand.
Lighten then our darkness,
Come and show us how
all the world lies open:
Pentecost is now! R
Words © 1972 Fred Kaan rev. 1998– Hope Publishing Co. Song # 18536
Music © 2000 Ron Klusmeier Song# 80560 French © 2006 David Fines
Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved
Storytime with Lorrie
Is the wind blowing? How do we know?
Is the Spirit moving? What are the signs?
How can we show the world that the Spirit is moving in us?
(Make the Pinwheel)
Hymn: Come, O Holy Spirit, Come (Wa, Wa, Wa, Emimimo) – Voices United #383
Come, O Holy Spirit, come
Come, O Holy Spirit, come
Come, come, come.
Wa, wa, wa, Emimimo
Wa, wa, wa, Emimimo
Wa-oh, wa-oh, wa-oh.
O viens, Esprit, viens.
O viens, puissant, Esprit viens.
Viens, viens, viens.
English © 1986 I-to-Loh/Kimbrough, Jr., French © 1990 Joelle Gouel, Harm © 1986 Samuel Solanke
Yoruba Traditional, Song # 17508 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214.
All rights reserved
The Story of Pentecost: Acts 2: 1-21
Storyteller: Erin Berard
Special Music: P-E-N-T-E-C-O-S-T
CGS/Bell Canto with Erin Berard
Interactive Sermon: “Being Winds of Change”
Rev. Kim
(Rev. Kim’s sermon will be posted at on Monday)
Hymn: Spirit of Gentleness (Souffle, vent doux du Saint-Esprit) - Voices United #375
Spirit, spirit of gentleness,
blow through the wilderness, calling and free,
Spirit, spirit of restlessness,
stir me from placidness, wind, wind on the sea.
1-Tu touchas la terre Esprit créateur
Tu dressas les montagne, en gloire et splendeur;
à travers les âges, tu crias à tous vents:
“déployez vos ailes, sortez du néant.”
Souffle, vent doux du Saint-Esprit;
Tu grâce me conduit hors du desert.
Souffle, grand vent du Saint-Esprit,
secoue notre apathie, vent, vent sur la mer.
2-You swept through the desert,
you stung with the sand,
and you goaded your people
with a law and a land;
and when they were blinded with idols and lies,
then you spoke through your prophets
to open their eyes. R (English)
3-You sang in a stable, you cried from a hill
then you whispered in silence
when the whole world was still;
and down in the city you called once again,
when you blew through your people
on the rush of the wind. R (French)
4-You call from tomorrow,
you break ancient schemes.
From the bondage of sorrow
all the captives dream dreams;
our women see visions, our men clear their eyes.
With bold new decisions
your people arise. R (English)
Words & Music © 1978 James K. Manley; Translation © 1995 Andrew Donaldson
Song #44816 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved
A Pentecost Prayers of the People
Rev. Lorrie
Come, Holy Spirit, and make us a Pentecost People.
Give us wisdom to help us make good decisions.
Give us knowledge and understanding so we can show empathy and compassion to those who are different from ourselves.
Give us awareness to fill us with awe and gratitude for all the blessings of Creation.
Give us courage to live our faith in the world.
Holy One, hear the prayers we have written on our pinwheels and the prayers we hold in our hearts as we blow them into the world…
All these things we ask in the words Jesus taught his friends which we now sing…
Sung Lord’s Prayer
Erin leading
Our Father, (Our Father)
Who art in heaven, (Who art in heaven),
Hallowed be thy name, (Hallowed be thy name),
Thy kin-dom come, (Thy kin-dom come),
Thy will be done, (Thy will be done),
On Earth as it is in heaven, (On Earth as it is in heaven).
Give us this day our daily bread. (Give us this day our daily bread),
And forgive us all our trespasses, (And forgive us all our trespasses),
As we forgive those who trespass against us, (As we forgive those who trespass against us)
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil
For thine is the kin-dom, (For thine is the kin-dom),
The power and the glory, (The power and the glory),
Forever and ever, (Forever and ever),
Ah-ah-men, (Ah-ah-men) Ah-Ah-men
Offering Invitation & Prayer
Rev. Kim
Pentecost people! We have received gifts too numerous to count. Now we have a chance to give in thanks and joy. Your offering will enable our church to be a Pentecost presence in this community and the world—to reach out in passionate commitment and bring the wind and fire of the Spirit of Truth to a people and a world that so desperately need it. (
I now invite you to offer your gifts of time, talents and resources as expressions of your gratitude to God’s blessings. If you are not on PAR and wish to send in your offering and donations, you may drop them in the mailbox by the kitchen door of the church or mail them to BCUC. You can also send in your support through e-transfer. Thank you for your continued love and support to BCUC.
Offertory Hymn: What Can I Do? - More Voices #191
What can I do? What can I bring?
What can I say? What can I sing?
I’ll sing with joy. I’ll say a prayer.
I’ll bring my love. I’ll do my share.
Words and Music © 2005 Paul Rumbolt & Michele McCarthy, arr. © 2005 Alan Whitmore
Song # 82970 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved.
Offertory Prayer
( Richard Bott, Gathering, Pentecost 1, 2021. Used with permission.)
As Pentecost people, we offer these gifts with generous spirits
for the loving transformation of this world. Hallelujah! Amen.
Hymn: She Comes Sailing on the Wind – Voices United #380
Refrain: She comes sailing on the wind,
her wings flashing in the sun;
on a journey just begun, she flies on.
And in the passage of her flight,
her song rings out through the night,
full of laughter, full of light, she flies on.
1. Silent waters rocking on the morning of our birth, like an empty cradle waiting to be filled. And from the heart of God the Spirit moved up on the earth, like a mother breathing life into her child.
2. Many were the dreamers whose eyes were given sight when the Spirit filled their dreams with life and form. Deserts turned to gardens, broken hearts found new delight, and then down the ages still she flew on. R
3. To a gentle girl in Galilee, a gentle breeze she came, a whisper softly calling in the dark, the promise of a child of peace whose reign would never end, Mary sang the Spirit song within her heart.
4. Flying to the river, she waited circling high above the child now grown so full of grace. As he rose up from the water, she swept down from the sky, and she carried him away in her embrace. R
5. Long after the deep darkness that fell upon the world, after dawn returned in flame of rising sun, the Spirit touched the earth again, again her wings unfurled, bringing life in wind and fire as she flew on. R
Words & Music © 1985 Gordon Light, arr. © 1994 Andrew Donaldson,
Song # 117717 & 109370 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved
Sending Forth
Rev. Kim
Now may God:
Holy Spirit, Advocate, Friend, Wind and Flame who brought us here,
tune up our ears for hearing,
open our eyes for seeing,
clear our sinuses for smelling,
cleanse our palate for tasting,
and open our mind for imagining.
The Pentecost God calls us to live “radically different”
each day of our lives. Amen!
Hymn: “Go Make a Diff’rence” - More Voices #209
Refrain: Go make a diff’rence. We can make diff’rence.
Go make a diff’rence in the world. (2x)
1. We are the salt of the earth, called to let the people see,
the love of God for you and me.
We are the light of the world, not to be hidden but be seen.
Go make a diff’rence in the world.
2.We are the hands of Christ reaching out to those in need,
The face of God for all to see.
We are the spirit of hope; we are the voice of peace.
Go make a diff’rence in the world.
3.So let your love shine on, let it shine for all to see.
Go make a diff’rence in the world.
And the spirit of Christ will be with us as we go.
Go make a diff’rence in the world!
Words and Music © 1997 Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek
Song # 82988 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved
Grace before the Picnic
Rev. Lorrie
God is great!
God is good!
And so we thank God for our food.
We’re gonna thank God morning, noon, and night,
Because our God is outa sight.
Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!
The Picnic – Two Men & A Stove and other volunteers
Games – Erin & friends