Sunday school activities - June 26, 2022

(adapted from “The Lord’s Prayer: An Illustrated Curriculum” from Illustrated Children’s Ministry, 2019. Used with permission.)

Think and Learn

This is the third session in our lesson on the Lord’s Prayer. This week we will pray for our world, reflect on what God’s reign looks like and see how the Lord’s Prayer calls us to be active in bringing God’s transformative kin-dom to the world around us. The line that we will reflect on is this:

“Your kin-dom come. Your will be done, on earth as it is in heaven.”

First, let’s talk about some important words.

A system organizes how a group of people live and work together. Family systems, educational systems, government systems; each system has its rules and expectations, but they can help us work together. 

Not all systems work well, though. In Jesus’ time, the Roman Empire, or kingdom, was the system governing everyone. Unfortunately, that system wasn’t a good one; the people in charge got more money and power while the poor became poorer. Even some systems today are like this.

God’s kin-dom, however, is a system where everyone is cared for, treated justly and has the things they need. When we pray “Your kin-dom come”, we commit to taking an active role in changing the unjust systems around us. We can bring about God’s kin-dom of justice and love by sharing with one another, listening to and learning from one another, laughing and crying with one another, and standing up for people treated wrongly. 

Jesus told several parables or stories about God’s kin-dom. For example, Jesus compares God’s kin-dom to a tiny mustard seed. Though it is a tiny seed, it grows to become an enormous tree providing shelter and food for other living things. This parable teaches us of how God’s kin-dom generously nourishes life and is gentle in its power.


  1. When did you stand up for someone who was being treated unfairly?

  2. Have you ever worked to change a rule that wasn’t fair to make life fairer  for yourself or someone else?

  3. Name some ways how you show your love and kindness to others at home, in school, at church and other places. 


Write a parable like the ones Jesus told about God’s kin-dom. Keep in mind that, in parables, everyday items and ideas are used to describe more complicated ideas. For example, comparing God’s kin-dom to a mustard seed. The parable you write should be about what you think the kin-dom of God would look like today.

This week’s colouring page has plenty of space for you to draw the parable you wrote.

colouring page

Click to print PDF

Sunday Worship Service - June 19, 2022



June 19, 2022 – 10 am

Summer Sermon Series: “The Good News in One Word”

* The live service will be broadcasted and recorded on YouTube, check your email for the link.
The audio recording of the live service should be available by phone Monday afternoon at 613- 820-8104

Gathering Music: We Must Learn to Walk Together – Waites

As the seasons keep on turning,
we are held in Creator’s hands.
We must learn to walk together,
to reconcile this land.
To reconcile this land.

1. When our respect grows, day by day,
when we learn, and sing, and pray.
When courage rises in one and all,
then justice comes, and truth stands tall!
Justice comes and truth stands tall! Ref

2. When honest words replace old lies,
when we smudge, and sweat, and cry.
When wisdom calls and we sing Love’s song,
then balance comes, and we’re made strong!
Balance comes and we’re made strong! Ref

3. When we have honoured elder’s years;
when their stories soothe our fears
When laughter rises, we dance and drum,
then healing comes, our hearts are one!
Healing comes our hearts are one! Ref

Words & Music © 2016 Lisa Waites
Reprinted with permission for Indigenous Sunday June 2022. All rights reserved

Acknowledgement of Territory[1] 
Rev. Lorrie Lowes

We begin this time of worship by acknowledging that we are meeting on the land of the Algonquin and Anishinaabe people. This land has been inhabited by Indigenous peoples from the beginning. We thank all the generations of Indigenous people who have taken care of this land and been its stewards for thousands of years. We give thanks for the countless ways they have assisted the settler peoples who came to inhabit the land. We also recognize the contributions Métis, Inuit, and other Indigenous peoples have made in shaping and strengthening this region, the provinces, and Canada as a whole. May the Creator hold us gently in this time as all mourn the loss of innocent Indigenous children’s lives. Meegwetch. All my relations.

Welcome & Centering for Worship
Rev. Kim Vidal

Lighting of the Four Candles
Acolytes:  Ruth & Ian Howes

From the light of Christ, we light these four candles to remind us of our relationship with our indigenous sisters and brothers.
We share in God’s dream of abundant life for all. (Yellow candle is lit)
We give and receive gifts of deep emotion, deep wisdom, and deep love. (Black candle is lit)
With gratitude, we praise Creator God, to seek transformation, and to celebrate the power of the Spirit who is always moving. (Red Candle is lit)
We light this candle to remind us that we are not alone as we do the work toward God’s dream of truth and reconciliation. (White Candle is lit).

Sung Response: Spirit of the Living God  -  Voices United #376

Spirit of the Living God, Fall afresh on us. (2x)
Break us, melt us, mold us, fill us.
Spirit of the Living God, Fall afresh on us.

Words & Music © 1926 v.1 Daniel Iverson, arr. © 1987 Darryl Nixon.
Song # FBC-A003716 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved.

Call to Gather & Prayer of Approach [2]
Rev. Lorrie Lowes

In the presence of Creator, we gather:
People carrying burdens we may not know about looking for comfort; folks needing their spirits refreshed.
We draw together hoping for that touch that will enliven us, longing to be embraced in arms of love and understanding.
Help us to put aside our differences and see the earth as you see it, boundary-free.
You call us all: babies, toddlers on unsteady feet, school-age children with curious minds, teens with questing spirits, full of youthful confidence one moment and like frightened children the next.
We are called, as adults trying to take good paths watching out for the next generations, and those easing into their winter years passing on our teachings.
We are all kin in this meeting place whether we gather in person or through technology, our spirits joining to say meegwetch for all that we have been blessed with.
Thanks be to God for the goodness in our lives. Amen.

Opening Hymn: Called by Earth and Sky – More Voices #135

Called by earth and sky,
promise of hope held high.
This is our sacred living trust,
treasure of life sanctified,
called by earth and sky.

1 Precious these waters, endless seas,
deep ocean’s dream, waters of healing,
rivers of rain, the wash of love again.

Refrain: (French)
Du-ciel et de la terre,
Nous entendons l’appel’
Nous de-vons ché-rir l’univers,
é-crin de vie, pré-cieuse et belle;
du-ciel et de la terre.

Verse 2 (French)
Pré-cieux est l’air que l’on respire,
libre est le vent; Es-prit qui souffle,
viens nous in-struire, de grâ-ce
nous com-blant.

Refrain (French)

3 Precious these mountains, ancient sands;
vast fragile land. Seeds of our wakening, rooted and strong, Creation’s faithful song.


4 - Precious the fire that lights our way,
bright dawning day. Fire of passion,
sorrows undone, our faith and justice one.


Words & Music © 2005 Pat Mayberry, Arranged © 2005 Marg Stubington, Translation: 2006 David Fines
Song#119776 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Rev. Lorrie

Hymn: We Are One in the Spirit (They’ll Know We Are Christians by our Love)

We are one in the Spirit, we are one in the Lord (2x)
And we pray that our unity will one day be restored. Ref

Refrain: And they'll know we are Christians by our love, by our love
Yes, they'll know we are Christians by our love.

We will walk with each other, we will walk hand in hand; (2x)
And together we'll spread the news that God is in our land. Ref

We will work with each other, we will work side by side (2x)
And we'll guard each one's dignity and save each one's pride. Ref

Words and Music © 1966 Peter Scholtes FEL Publications assigned to Lorenz
Song #81199 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Prayer for Illumination[3] 
Reader: Jordan Berard

Gracious God, take the words I will speak and bless them.
Take the listening we will bring to the Word and empower our reflection with action. Amen.

The Gospel Reading: Luke 8:26–39 (The Living Bible)

26 So they arrived at the other side, in the Gerasene country across the lake from Galilee. 27 As he was climbing out of the boat a man from the city of Gadara came to meet him, a man who had been demon-possessed for a long time. Homeless and naked, he lived in a cemetery among the tombs. 28 As soon as he saw Jesus, he shrieked and fell to the ground before him, screaming, “What do you want with me, Jesus, Son of God Most High? Please, I beg you, oh, don’t torment me!”

29 For Jesus was already commanding the demon to leave him. This demon had often taken control of the man so that even when shackled with chains he simply broke them and rushed out into the desert, completely under the demon’s power. 30 “What is your name?” Jesus asked the demon. “Legion,” they replied—for the man was filled with thousands of them! 31 They kept begging Jesus not to order them into the Bottomless Pit.

32 A herd of pigs was feeding on the mountainside nearby, and the demons pled with him to let them enter into the pigs. And Jesus said they could. 33 So they left the man and went into the pigs, and immediately the whole herd rushed down the mountainside and fell over a cliff into the lake below, where they drowned. 34 The herdsmen rushed away to the nearby city, spreading the news as they ran.

35 Soon a crowd came out to see for themselves what had happened and saw the man who had been demon-possessed sitting quietly at Jesus’ feet, clothed and sane! And the whole crowd was badly frightened. 36 Then those who had seen it happen told how the demon-possessed man had been healed. 37 And everyone begged Jesus to go away and leave them alone (for a deep wave of fear had swept over them). So he returned to the boat and left, crossing back to the other side of the lake.

38 The man who had been demon-possessed begged to go too, but Jesus said no.

39 “Go back to your family,” he told him, “and tell them what a wonderful thing God has done for you.”

So he went all through the city telling everyone about Jesus’ mighty miracle.

May God’s wisdom invites us to reflect on this Gospel story. Thanks be to God.

Ministry of Music: O God, I Know Not What to Ask - Snowdon
BCUC Choir

Sermon: “Legion” 
Rev. Kim Vidal

Prayers of the People & the Lord’s Prayer
Rev. Lorrie

Grandparent God, look at our brokenness—
we know that in all creation
only the human family has strayed from the Sacred Way.
We know that we are the ones who are divided
and we are the ones who must come back together
to walk in the Sacred Way. 

As we reflect on the history of the relationship
between the church and Aboriginal peoples,
we pray for openness.
In our learning and in our growing, may there be healing. 

As we open ourselves to the stories
of Aboriginal peoples hurt and wounded
by residential school and other experiences,
we pray for compassionate listening.
In the telling and in the hearing, may there be healing. 

As we feel the pain of individuals and communities
and recognize our impoverishment of spirit
through our failure to honour the gifts of different cultures,
we pray for a hunger for new ways
of walking the earth together.
In our recognition of the need for forgiveness
and for change, may there be healing. 

As we work together to embody
the spirit of reconciliation and healing,
we pray for expectant anticipation that our life together
in the church will be enriched and deepened.
In the giving and in the receiving, may there be healing. 

As we move forward as the people of God,
lifting up and supporting our sisters and brothers
of all tribes and races, we pray for God’s richest blessings.
In the honouring and in the sharing, may there be healing. 

Grandparent, Sacred One,
teach us love, compassion, and honour
that we may heal the earth and heal each other.  [4]

All these we ask in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Let us join together in reciting the First nation’s version of the Lord’s Prayer.

Great Spirit, whose long house is in the sky,
whose hunting ground is the earth,
mighty and fearful are you called,
Ruler over storm, over human, bird and beast,
over earthway, over skyway;
Find us this day our meat and bread,
that we may be strong and brave.
Put aside from us our wicked ways,
as we put aside bad works of them who wrong us.
Let us not be led into troubled roads
but keep us from all evil.
For yours is all that is: the earth, the sky, streams and hills,
the stars, the moon, the sun,
and all that live and breathe the wonderful shining mighty,
mighty Spirit. Amen

Invitation to Offer
Rev. Kim

Our offering of time, talents and treasures, is an act of love. We give from what we have and as we are able; but always, we give in the name of love. If you are not on PAR and wish to send in your offering and donations, you can drop them in the mailbox by the kitchen door of the church, mail them to BCUC, or send in your support through e-transfer. Thank you for your continued love and support to Bells Corners United Church.

Offertory Prayer

The world is very much with us this day: places of peace and places of conflict.
Receive these gifts from our hands and hearts, so that the world may be changed through them, by the power of your Spirit working in them and working in us. Amen.[5]

*Hymn: Faith of our Fathers    Voices United #580

1 Faith of our fathers, living still
in spite of dungeon, fire, and sword;
O how our hearts beat high with joy,
whene’er we hear that glorious word:
faith of our fathers, holy faith,
we will be true to you till death.

2 Faith of our mothers, daring faith,
your work for Christ is love revealed,
spreading God’s word from pole to pole,
making love known and freedom real:
faith of our mothers, holy faith,
we will be true to you till death.

3 Faith of our sisters, brothers too,
who still must bear oppression’s might,
raising on high, in prisons dark,
the cross of Christ still burning bright:
faith for today, O living faith,
we will be true to you till death.

4 Faith born of God, O call us yet,
bind us with all who follow you,
sharing the struggle of your cross
until the world is made anew.
Faith born of God, O living faith,
we will be true to you till death.

Words (v2-4) © 1981 Joseph Alfred
Song #
01214 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved 

*Sending Forth
Rev. Kim

Return now to the circle of Life, knowing,
That the love of Creator God is with us,
The compassion of Jesus inspires us,
The hope of the Holy Spirit comforts us.
May everyone we meet, know of our praise
of God’s name, by the singing and dancing
of our hands, heart, and feet! [6]


Departing Music

[1] © 2022 The United Church of Canada/L’Église Unie du Canada. Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non- commercial Share Alike Licence. To view a copy of this licence, visit sa/2.5/ca. Any copy must include this notice.

[2] Ibid.

[3] David Sparks, Gathering, Pentecost 1 2018 (Year B). Used with permission.

[4] Celebrate God’s Presence, p530-531. Used with permission.

[5] Kate Crawford. Gathering Pentecost 1 2019, p49. Used with permission.

[6] Lee Claus, Francis Sandy Theological Centre, 2008.

Sunday school activities - June 19, 2022

(adapted from “The Lord’s Prayer: An Illustrated Curriculum” from Illustrated Children’s Ministry, 2019. Used with permission.)

Think and Learn

This summer we are going to look at the Lord’s Prayer. This prayer is one that we share with Christians all over the world. It is a prayer that Jesus taught his followers and has been translated into many languages. Because it is an ancient prayer, the words might seem a bit strange to our modern ears so, each week we will look at a new phrase and think about what it meant to the people in Jesus’ time and what it means for us today.

This week we begin at the beginning!

“Our Father, who art in heaven, hallowed be your name.”

The very first word of the Lord’s Prayer, “Our” teaches us something really important. Each of us is God’s child, making us a family. Starting with “OUR Father” instead of “MY Father” immediately reminds us of that. We may have different skin, speak different languages, live in different places, and have different grown-up, moms or dads, but we are all one family. This means we belong to God, to each other, and to the earth God made.

God is bigger and more mysterious than we can imagine. No matter how many names or pictures we could think of for God, there are still more!

When Jesus taught his disciples this prayer, he chose to say, “Our Father” because in that time the father in a family was always the head of the family. They also called Kings, and other leaders, “father”. Today we might use different words because we know that families come in many different forms. We might say, “Our loving God”, or “Creator God”, or “Holy Mystery” instead – and that’s perfectly ok!

Using many different names for God keeps us from getting stuck in who we believe God to be and how we picture God. For example, if we always use male (or boy) names and pronouns for God, we might start to think God is a man. Allowing ourselves to see God in different ways helps us grow and live more into God’s dream.

See the word “hallowed”? It means holy or sacred. God’s name deserves our deepest respect and love. By starting the prayer this way – sometimes called adoration – we remember anything we speak to God comes from this place of love and respect.


1.     What are your favourite names for God? Are there new names you can think of?

2.     How do you imagine or picture God?

3.     How does it feel to know we are all God’s children? How do we treat each other when we believe each person is a child of God?


You will find 2 colouring pages attached to this lesson.

The first page is an oval surrounded by leaves. You can use this in two ways:

1.      Put your name in the middle. Make it as fancy as you like! On each of the surrounding leaves write one of the ways you are known. Relationships are a good place to start - son/daughter, sister/brother, cousin… Or you might have a nickname or something that everyone knows about you – artist, athlete, reader, helper…

2.     Put “God” in the middle oval and then all the names for God you can think of on the surrounding leaves.

Click to print PDF

The second page is a colouring poster of the first line of the Lord’s Prayer. We will be adding a new one each week through the summer.  As you colour each picture, memorize the words. By the time summer is over you will know the Lord’s Prayer by heart and will be able to say it with everyone in our church or in other places you might gather with people who are followers of Jesus, or just when you want to pray and need some words to get started. Isn’t it cool to know that when you say this prayer you are joining Christians all over the world who also say this same prayer in many different languages?

Click to print PDF

Sunday Worship Service - June 12, 2022


TRINITY SUNDAY / 97th UCC Anniversary

June 12, 2022

Celebration of Baptism

* The live service will be broadcasted and recorded on YouTube, check your email for the link.
The audio recording of the live service should be available by phone Monday afternoon at 613- 820-8104.

Gathering Music

Welcome & Centering for Worship
Rev. Kim Vidal

Good morning! On behalf of Bells Corners United Church, I welcome and greet you in the name of the Triune God: Creator, Christ and Comforter on this Trinity Sunday.

Thank you for joining us in our virtual worship service today.

Friends, on this Trinity Sunday, May we feel the presence of God: One-in-Three and the Three-in-One, known to us in many ways. May God as Wisdom, Light and Presence come into our hearts as we gather in worship.

Lighting of the Three-in-One Candle[1]
Acolytes:  Ellen & Bob Boynton

We light a candle in the name of God the Creator,
who lit the world and breathed the breath of life for us. (First wick is lit.)
We light a candle in the name of Jesus the Son,
who transformed the world with love and justice. (Second wick is lit.)
We light a candle in the name of the Holy Spirit,
who encompasses the world and blesses our souls with yearning. (Third wick is lit.)

We light three lights for the trinity of love:
God above us, God beside us, God beneath us:
The beginning, the end, the everlasting one.

Sung Response: Spirit of the Living God  -  Voices United #376

Spirit of the Living God, Fall afresh on us. (2x)
Break us, melt us, mold us, fill us.
Spirit of the Living God, Fall afresh on us.

Words & Music © 1926 v.1 Daniel Iverson, arr. © 1987 Darryl Nixon.
Song # FBC-A003716 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved.

Call to Gather[2]
Rev. Lorrie Lowes

In the holy name of God: Father, Mother, Creator, Life-Giver,
we gather in this place.
In the holy name of Jesus the Christ: Son, Redeemer, Teacher, Friend,
we gather to praise!
In the name of the Holy Spirit: Comforter, Sustainer, Daily Guide, Wisdom,
we gather to worship!
In the holy name of One who is Three, and the Three in One,
we gather to celebrate new life!

Opening Prayer
(Bruce Sanguin, If Darwin Prayed)

This Happy Communion

Holiest Mystery,
Community of Love,
Creator, Christ, Spirit,
Three in One,
You in Christ,
Christ in us,
and everywhere, Spirit,
connecting, caressing,
cajoling us into the image of wholeness
tattooed on the heart and the soul of every living thing.
We are not alone,
never isolated except in the imagination of our wounded hearts.
Christ abides in us and we in Her,
and the joy of this is why we sing,
and why we pray,
and why we take our place in this happy communion.
Thank you for this banquet of love,
this feast of joy,
this miracle of common purpose. Amen.

Hymn: Come In, Come In and Sit Down - Voices United #395   

Refrain: Come in come in and sit down,
you are a part of the family.
We are lost and we are found,
and we are a part of the family.

1 You know the reason why you came,
yet no reason can explain,
so share in the laughter and cry in the pain,
for we are a part of the family. R

2 God is with us in this place,
like a mother's warm embrace.
We're all forgiven by God's grace,
for we are a part of the family. R

3 There's life to be shared
in the bread and the wine,
we are the branches Christ is the vine. This is God's temple, it's not yours or mine, but we are a part of the family. R

4 There's rest for the weary and health
for us all, there's a yoke that is easy,
and a burden that's small.
So come in and worship and answer the call, for we are a part of the family. R

Words & Music © 1984 James K. Manley; harm © 1987 Daryl Nixon
Song # 44817 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Celebration of Baptism: Felicity Anne Davis

Parents: Melissa & Mark Davis
Godparents: Angela & Jerem Cull 

Rev. Lorrie                              

Hymn:  I Have Called You by Your Name – More Voices #161

1. I have called you by your name, you are mine;
I have gifted you and ask you now to shine.
I will not abandon you; all my promises are true.
You are gifted, called, and chosen; you are mine.

2. I will help you learn my name as you go;
read it written in my people, help them grow.
Pour the water in my name, speak the word your soul can claim,
offer Jesus’ body given long ago.

3. I know you will need my touch as you go;
feel it pulsing in creation’s ebb and flow.
Like the woman reaching out, choosing faith in spite of doubt,
hold the hem of Jesus’ robe, then let it go.

4. I have given you a name, it is mine;
I have given you my Spirit as a sign.
With my wonder in your soul, make my wounded children whole;
go and tell my precious people they are mine.

Words and Music © 1998 Daniel Charles Damon
Song #54619 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Prayer for Illumination
Reader: Bev Wilcox

Loving God within us, may these words move, challenge, inspire and deepen our understanding of who you are: Source of Life, Living Word, and Bond of Love. May we listen with an open mind and a heart ready to be transformed. Amen.

The Gospel Reading: John 16:12-15 (The Message)
The Spirit of Truth

“I still have many things to tell you, but you can’t handle them now. But when the Friend comes, the Spirit of the Truth, he will take you by the hand and guide you into all the truth there is. He won’t draw attention to himself, but will make sense out of what is about to happen and, indeed, out of all that I have done and said. He will honor me; he will take from me and deliver it to you. Everything the Father has is also mine. That is why I’ve said, ‘He takes from me and delivers to you.’

May the Wisdom of God: Lover, Beloved and Love give us understanding as we ponder on this Gospel story. Thanks be to God!

BCUC Choir: O Praise the Lord, with Heart and Voice – Haydn arr. Hopson

Sermon: “Truth-in-Three”
Rev. Kim

Prayers of the People & the Lord’s Prayer
Rev. Kim

Let us join our hearts in prayer.

Creator, Christ, Comforter, like Jesus’ disciples, we come as needy people. Our hearts hunger for love. Our minds thirst for peace. Our dry spirits long to be watered by your grace. In times when uncertainties confront our comfortable lives, keep us mindful of your faithfulness. In times when we see hopelessness around us, fill us with your light so we can be witnesses of your love to the world.

Life-Giver, Friend, Sustainer, we long for the many ways of being a community of love, a community that embraces inclusion, compassion, justice, and truth. We yearn to work towards living in right relationships and in healing the world. Like in Jesus’ day, this longing and yearning can often be met with resistance, hostility and rejection, So we ask that you strengthen our faith and give us the gift of courage to face whatever challenge that may come our way. Help us to be resilient in difficult times.

Abba, Jesus, Spirit, we pray for homes that are nurturing and safe. We pray for families free of domestic violence and neglect, where all the children can grow without fear. Empower us to make your love a reality in every home we know. We pray for all who suffer, for the sick and the lonely, for those awaiting surgery and medical treatments, for those grieving the loss of a loved one, for those trapped in anxiety and fear, or those downtrodden by hopelessness and despair. We pray for those who walk beside us on our journey, whose lives are a blessing to us.

Justice-Seeker, Good Shepherd, Advocate, empower us to welcome people of every colour, ethnicity and creed. Encourage us to be advocates of the sacredness of human life that welcomes all. We pray for those who are living the reality of terror, violence, war, unrest, hunger, displacement and the continued challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic and the ongoing war in Ukraine. Deliver us from fear, greed, and all evil things that keep us away from your love.

All these things we ask in the name of God: Creator, Crist and Companion and in this prayer that we recite together:

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kin-dom come, thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kin-dom, the power and the glory,
Forever and ever, Amen.

Invitation to Offer
Rev. Lorrie

The Triune God present in all of creation, holds each one of us in tender love and care. So we respond for all the blessings we have generously received from a loving Creator. Let us gather our gifts of time, talents and treasures and offer them to God in gratitude and praise.

If you are not on PAR and wish to send in your offering and donations, you can drop them in the mailbox by the kitchen door of the church or mail them to BCUC. You can also send in your support through e-transfer. Thank you for your continued love and support to BCUC.

Offertory Prayer

We offer these gifts, O Triune God, as we spread your love through the wisdom of Jesus and the indwelling of the Spirit in our hearts. May they bring healing and hope to our congregation, our community and the world. Amen.

Sending Forth[3]
Rev. Kim

And now, touched by God’s Spirit of truth, which makes us free,
held in God’s love, which gives us strength,
befriended by God’s Son, who breaks down walls,
let us live with hearts wide open
to all the adventure, all the pain,
all the joy, of being God’s people,
in every place life calls us to be. Amen.

Hymn:  Holy, Holy, Holy – Voices United #315

1. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God almighty!
Early in the morning our song shall rise to thee;
holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty,
God in three persons, blessed Trinity!

2. Holy, holy, holy! All the saints adore thee;
casting down their golden crowns around the glassy sea;
cherubim and seraphim falling down before thee,
which were, and art, and evermore shalt be.

3. Holy, holy, holy! Though the darkness hide thee,
though the eye made blind by sin thy glory may not see,
only thou art holy; there is none beside thee,
perfect in power, in love, and purity.

4. Holy, holy, holy! Lord God Almighty!
All thy works shall praise thy name in earth and sky and sea;
holy, holy, holy, merciful and mighty,
God in three persons, blessed Trinity!

Words Reginald Heber, 1820; Music: John Bacchus Dykes, 1861
Song Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Departing Music

[1] Inspired by

[2] Richard Bott, Gathering, Pentecost 1 2021 (Year B). Used with permission.

[3] Bob Root, Gathering, Pentecost 1 – 2018 Year B.  Used with permission.

Sunday school activities - June 12, 2022

Theme Discussion

Every Sunday, we say the Lord’s Prayer in our worship service. 

Did you know that Christians all over the world, from many, many denominations also say this prayer? It is one way we are connected to followers of Jesus around the globe! It was originally written or spoken in Aramaic, the language that Jesus and his followers spoke but it has been translated into many, many languages.

The Lord’s Prayer is a special prayer Jesus taught his disciples. This prayer encourages and empowers us to live out God’s dream of justice, love, and full life. There are several versions of this prayer now, but they all say similar things. Here are two different versions. Is one easier to understand than the other? Do you think they still both mean the same thing?


Our Father in heaven,
hallowed be your name,
your kingdom come,
your will be done,
on earth as in heaven.
Give us today our daily bread.
Forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us.
Lead us not into temptation
but deliver us from evil.
For the kingdom, the power,
and the glory are yours
now and forever.


Our Father, who art in heaven,
hallowed be thy name;
thy kingdom come;
thy will be done;
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread.
And forgive us our trespasses,
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation;
but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kingdom,
the power and the glory,
for ever and ever.

At BCUC, we have made another change! We replace the word “kingdom” with “kin-dom”. Does that make a difference? Does it change the meaning of the prayer? Why do you think we do that?

Do you know this prayer by heart? If you watch this video, you’ll hear it. You can also read it in the Bible at Matthew 6:9-13 or at Luke 11:2-4.


  1. Is prayer a part of your life? 
    What does prayer mean to you? 
    What do you pray for?

  2. Is there a “right” way to pray? Do you have to say things aloud, or can you pray quietly? Do you even have to say things, or can you sing them? Dance them? Draw them? 

Really, you can pray anyway you want to express yourself. What ways do you like to pray?

Colouring Page

The Lord's Prayer colouring page

Click to print PDF (3 pages)

Sunday Worship Service - June 5, 2022



June 5, 2022

Outdoor Worship Service

* The live service will be broadcasted and recorded on YouTube, check your email for the link.
The audio recording of the live service should be available by phone Monday afternoon at 613- 820-8104

Gathering Music/ Sing Out!    Every Morning is Easter Morning
BCUC Choir

BCUC Music Team

1.       I've got the joy (joy), joy (joy), joy (joy)! (3x)

Down in my heart (clap, clap) (2x)
Down in my heart to stay,
Down in my heart to …   repeat

2.       Love…        3. Light…    4. Joy…

Words traditional, Arranged and Music; Amy Grant
Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

More Voices #13 – O Let the Power Fall on Me

O let the power fall on me, my Lord, let the power fall on me.
O let the power from heaven fall on me, let the power fall on me.
For we want justice and truth and love, my Lord, we want justice and truth and love (2x)

Music: traditional Caribbean song         Words verse 1 and Adaptation by Birchfield Aymer
arrangement by Patrick Prescod   © the Caribbean conference of Churches
Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

More Voices #6 – Holy Spirit, Come Into Our Lives

Holy Spirit, come into our lives. Holy Spirit, make us truly wise  (continuously)

Words and Music © 1998 Ken Canedo OCP Publications                    Song # 83119
Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Acknowledgement of Territory
Rev. Lorrie Lowes

This morning as we gather here on the beautiful grounds of our church, we recognize that this land was taken from the Algonquin Anishinaabe people by settlers in this territory long ago. We honour the original caretakers of this land, and we thank them for their example of love for creation. We pray that we can come together to care for the earth and each other, as friends.

Welcome, Announcements & Centering for Worship
Rev. Kim Vidal

Good morning! Let us greet each other in different languages.

Buenas dias! Bonne journee! Anionghaseyo! Masantos ya agew!

On behalf of Bells Corners United Church, I welcome and greet you in the name of Jesus Christ as we celebrate Pentecost Sunday. On that very first Pentecost gathering, the gift of the Holy Spirit gave the followers of Jesus the ability to speak in a multitude of languages to proclaim God's love and power. Today, we will celebrate this gift of languages as we embrace our common ground as a human family under one Spirit!

Beloved friends, may we feel the presence of the Holy Spirit, like those people gathered on that very first Pentecost gathering. May the winds of change and the tongues of flame rush into our hearts and empower our souls. Let us now centre ourselves in the presence of God as we gather in worship.

Lighting the Christ Candle
Acolytes:  Berard Family

As we light this candle, we are reminded of the flame in each of us;
a fire of passion to be shared with the world.
Through Jesus, the physical reminder of God on Earth,
we feel the power and love inside ourselves.
With this invitation we are welcome; safe and ready to shine.

© 2016 The United Church of Canada/L’Église Unie du Canada.
Licensed under Creative Commons Attribution Non-commercial No Derivatives (by-nc-nd) Licence.

Sung Response: This Little Light of Mine (Traditional)

This little light if mine, I’m gonna let is shine (3X)
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Hide it under a bushel, no! I’m gonna let it shine (3X)
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Everywhere I go, I’m gonna let it shine (3X)
Let it shine, let it shine, let it shine.

Traditional Spiritual

Song #84048 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Call to Gather
Rev. Lorrie & friends

(Paul Detterman, excerpt, Reformed Worship Magazine.)

People of God,
Peace be with you.

1: Salaam alaykum.

2: Namaste.

3: Shalom alaichem.

4 : Que la paix soit avec toi.

5 : Хай буде з вами мир         (Khay bude z vamy myr)

Come, Holy Spirit, Advocate, Friend, Wind and Flame:
You break down barriers of language, race, and culture,
and heal the divisions that separate us.    

Come, Spirit of Power, make us bold witnesses of your redeeming love.

Come, Reconciling Spirit and unite us all in the love of God.

Come, Creator Spirit and make us new creations in Jesus Christ.

Come, let us gather to celebrate!

Pentecost Prayer with Movement
Wendy Morrell & Dan Lanoue

(Inspired by the prayer of Paul Detterman, Reformed Worship Magazine.)

Come, Holy Spirit! Bring your mighty power into our lives.
Rush through our spirits, inspiring us to witness to the great love of God.
Come, Moving Spirit! Burn light bright flames in our hearts.

Emblazon us with the confidence of faith that our lives will show your love.
Come, Embracing Spirit! Advocate, Friend, Wind and Flame
You break down barriers of language, race, and culture,
and heal the divisions that separate us.    

Come, Indwelling Spirit! Be with us today in our thoughts and our prayers.
Come, Wise Spirit! Be with us in our words and our deeds.
Come, Creator Spirit! and make us new creations in Jesus Christ. Amen

Hymn:  Come O Holy Spirit - More Voices #23

1.    Come, O Holy Spirit,
set the Church on fire;
strike it as the lightning
hits a posing spire.
Burn away the structures
and consume the sham
of our holy systems:
Come, in Jesus’ name! 

Refrain (English)
Come, come, come, in Jesus name!
Take our hearts by storm.
All the world lies open
Pentecost is now!  I said a -       repeat

Refrain (French)
Viens, viens, au nom de Jésus
Tempête en nos coeurs;
Partout c’est l’attente
La Pentecôte est là! Et je dis: - repete

2.       Blow away the cobwebs
of our stubborn past.
Come, send flying from us
myths unfit to last.
Wind of change, refresh us
and disturb our calm;
teach us what true love is,
take our hearts by storm. R  

3.       Free us from the babble
of our Babel mind;
spark in us a language
all can understand.
Lighten then our darkness,
Come and show us how
all the world lies open:
Pentecost is now!  R


Words © 1972 Fred Kaan rev. 1998– Hope Publishing Co. Song # 18536
Music © 2000 Ron Klusmeier            Song# 80560  French © 2006 David Fines 
Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Storytime with Lorrie

Is the wind blowing? How do we know?
Is the Spirit moving? What are the signs?
How can we show the world that the Spirit is moving in us?

(Make the Pinwheel) 

Hymn: Come, O Holy Spirit, Come (Wa, Wa, Wa, Emimimo) – Voices United #383

Come, O Holy Spirit, come
Come, O Holy Spirit, come
Come, come, come. 

Wa, wa, wa, Emimimo
Wa, wa, wa, Emimimo
Wa-oh, wa-oh, wa-oh.

O viens, Esprit, viens.
O viens, puissant, Esprit viens.
Viens, viens, viens.

English © 1986  I-to-Loh/Kimbrough, Jr., French © 1990 Joelle Gouel, Harm © 1986 Samuel Solanke
Yoruba Traditional, Song # 17508  Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214.
All rights reserved

The Story of Pentecost: Acts 2: 1-21
Storyteller: Erin Berard

Special Music:  P-E-N-T-E-C-O-S-T
CGS/Bell Canto with Erin Berard

Interactive Sermon: “Being Winds of Change”
Rev. Kim

(Rev. Kim’s sermon will be posted at on Monday)

Hymn: Spirit of Gentleness (Souffle, vent doux du Saint-Esprit) - Voices United #375

Spirit, spirit of gentleness,
blow through the wilderness, calling and free,
Spirit, spirit of restlessness,
stir me from placidness, wind, wind on the sea. 

1-Tu touchas la terre Esprit créateur
Tu dressas les montagne, en gloire et splendeur;
à travers les âges, tu crias à tous vents:
“déployez vos ailes, sortez du néant.” 

Souffle, vent doux du Saint-Esprit;
Tu grâce me conduit hors du desert.
Souffle, grand vent du Saint-Esprit,
secoue notre apathie, vent, vent sur la mer.

2-You swept through the desert,
you stung with the sand,
and you goaded your people
with a law and a land;
and when they were blinded with idols and lies,
then you spoke through your prophets
to open their eyes. R (English) 

3-You sang in a stable, you cried from a hill
then you whispered in silence
when the whole world was still;
and down in the city you called once again,
when you blew through your people
on the rush of the wind. R (French) 

4-You call from tomorrow,
you break ancient schemes.
From the bondage of sorrow
all the captives dream dreams;
our women see visions, our men clear their eyes.
With bold new decisions
your people arise. R (English)

Words & Music © 1978 James K. Manley; Translation © 1995 Andrew Donaldson
Song #44816 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

A Pentecost Prayers of the People
Rev. Lorrie

Come, Holy Spirit, and make us a Pentecost People.
Give us wisdom to help us make good decisions.
Give us knowledge and understanding so we can show empathy and compassion to those who are different from ourselves.
Give us awareness to fill us with awe and gratitude for all the blessings of Creation.
Give us courage to live our faith in the world.
Holy One, hear the prayers we have written on our pinwheels and the prayers we hold in our hearts as we blow them into the world…
All these things we ask in the words Jesus taught his friends which we now sing…

Sung Lord’s Prayer
Erin leading

Our Father,  (Our Father)
Who art in heaven,  (Who art in heaven),
Hallowed be thy name,   (Hallowed be thy name),
Thy kin-dom come,  (Thy kin-dom come),
Thy will be done,  (Thy will be done),
On Earth as it is in heaven, (On Earth as it is in heaven).
Give us this day our daily bread. (Give us this day our daily bread),
And forgive us all our trespasses, (And forgive us all our trespasses),
As we forgive those who trespass against us, (As we forgive those who trespass against us)
And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil
For thine is the kin-dom, (For thine is the kin-dom),
The power and the glory, (The power and the glory),
Forever and ever, (Forever and ever),
Ah-ah-men, (Ah-ah-men)                             Ah-Ah-men 

Offering Invitation & Prayer
Rev. Kim

Pentecost people! We have received gifts too numerous to count. Now we have a chance to give in thanks and joy. Your offering will enable our church to be a Pentecost presence in this community and the world—to reach out in passionate commitment and bring the wind and fire of the Spirit of Truth to a people and a world that so desperately need it. (
I now invite you to offer your gifts of time, talents and resources as expressions of your gratitude to God’s blessings.  If you are not on PAR and wish to send in your offering and donations, you may drop them in the mailbox by the kitchen door of the church or mail them to BCUC. You can also send in your support through e-transfer. Thank you for your continued love and support to BCUC.

Offertory Hymn: What Can I Do? - More Voices #191

What can I do? What can I bring?
What can I say? What can I sing?
I’ll sing with joy. I’ll say a prayer.
I’ll bring my love. I’ll do my share.

Words and Music © 2005 Paul Rumbolt & Michele McCarthy, arr. © 2005 Alan Whitmore       
Song # 82970 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Offertory Prayer

( Richard Bott, Gathering, Pentecost 1, 2021. Used with permission.)
As Pentecost people, we offer these gifts with generous spirits
for the loving transformation of this world. Hallelujah! Amen. 

Hymn: She Comes Sailing on the Wind – Voices United #380

Refrain: She comes sailing on the wind,
her wings flashing in the sun;
on a journey just begun, she flies on.
And in the passage of her flight,
her song rings out through the night,
full of laughter, full of light, she flies on.

1. Silent waters rocking on the morning of our birth, like an empty cradle waiting to be filled. And from the heart of God the Spirit moved up on the earth, like a mother breathing life into her child.

2. Many were the dreamers whose eyes were given sight when the Spirit filled their dreams with life and form. Deserts turned to gardens, broken hearts found new delight, and then down the ages still she flew on. R

3. To a gentle girl in Galilee, a gentle breeze she came, a whisper softly calling in the dark, the promise of a child of peace whose reign would never end, Mary sang the Spirit song within her heart.

4. Flying to the river, she waited circling high above the child now grown so full of grace. As he rose up from the water, she swept down from the sky, and she carried him away in her embrace. R

5. Long after the deep darkness that fell upon the world, after dawn returned in flame of rising sun, the Spirit touched the earth again, again her wings unfurled, bringing life in wind and fire as she flew on. R

Words & Music © 1985 Gordon Light, arr. © 1994 Andrew Donaldson,
Song # 117717 & 109370 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Sending Forth
Rev. Kim

Now may God:
Holy Spirit, Advocate, Friend, Wind and Flame who brought us here,
tune up our ears for hearing,
open our eyes for seeing,
clear our sinuses for smelling,
cleanse our palate for tasting,
and open our mind for imagining
The Pentecost God calls us to live “radically different”
each day of our lives. Amen!

Hymn: “Go Make a Diff’rence”  - More Voices #209

Refrain:  Go make a diff’rence. We can make diff’rence.
              Go make a diff’rence in the world. (2x)

1. We are the salt of the earth, called to let the people see,
the love of God for you and me.
We are the light of the world, not to be hidden but be seen.
Go make a diff’rence in the world. 

2.We are the hands of Christ reaching out to those in need,
The face of God for all to see.
We are the spirit of hope; we are the voice of peace.
Go make a diff’rence in the world.  

3.So let your love shine on, let it shine for all to see.
Go make a diff’rence in the world.
And the spirit of Christ will be with us as we go.
Go make a diff’rence in the world!

Words and Music © 1997 Steve Angrisano and Tom Tomaszek          
Song # 82988 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Grace before the Picnic
Rev. Lorrie

God is great!
God is good!
And so we thank God for our food.
We’re gonna thank God morning, noon, and night,
Because our God is outa sight.
Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen! Amen!

The Picnic – Two Men & A Stove and other volunteers

Games – Erin & friends

Sunday school activities - June 5, 2022

All Ages Interactive Sunday School Activities – Pentecost

Listen to the scripture told in many different languages!

Or this animated version:

Wordle Challenges!

Hint – the words have some link to the celebration of Pentecost!

Word #1:

Word #2:

Word #3:

Scavenger Hunt!

Pentecost Related Items to Find:

ð       Someone wearing red and someone wearing white - the colors of Pentecost.

ð       A paper fan or pinwheel to symbolize the wind.

ð       A picture of a flame to symbolize the tongues of fire that came to rest on each of the Apostles.

ð       Something that rhymes with dove or has the same last 3 letters as dove.   The dove was used as a sign of the Holy Spirit in the story of Jesus’ baptism.

ð       A rock because Jesus said to Peter “And so I say to you, you are Peter, and upon this rock I will build my church”

ð       A baptism candle or other light to represent that when we act by the power of the Holy Spirit, we can be light for others.

ð       A small cross

ð       Something that starts with the first letter of your last name.

ð       Someone helping someone else - remind us that God wants us to serve others by the power of the Holy Spirit.

Sunday Worship Service - May 29, 2022


May 29, 2022 – 10 am


Theme: “The Way of Being”

The audio recording of the live service should be available by phone Monday afternoon at 613- 820-8104

Gathering Music

Welcome & Centering for Worship
Rev. Kim Vidal

Lighting of Christ Candle
Acolytes:  Susan & George Young

(Bob Root, Gathering, L/E 2022, Year C. Used with permission)

Each new day reminds us of the light that dwells within us-
the light God has placed deep within our hearts.
We light the Christ candle,
remembering that we are made of light and love,
remembering that we are called to bring light and love
to others and the world.                                                                                                                 

Sung Response: “Halle, Halle, Halle” – Voices United #958

Halle, halle, halle - lujah! (3x)     Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Words: trad, liturgical text; Music: anon., arr. © The Iona Community, 1980

Call to Gather (Responsively)
Rev. Lorrie Lowes

(Peter Chynoweth, Gathering, L/E 2022, Year C. Used with permission)

In this space and time, we form community:
like singing in unison with the strength of common word and action,
and like singing in harmony with the depth and richness
of different notes and themes.
Bells Corners United Church is about community:
and we ascribe to that tradition with the joys
and struggles that come about in relationship.
We live in community:
community with Great Spirit God
and community with each other as people of the Spirit.
Let us worship together with God and with each other
in our hearts and on our minds,
in the building up of the community we are called to be,
just as Jesus prayed we would be.

Opening Prayer (In Unison)

(Richard Bott, Gathering, L/E 2022, Year C. Used with Permission)

God of love, thank you for calling us into relationship with one another and with you.
Thank you for the joys and the responsibilities that grow out of who we are.
When we get confused, lost or frustrated, help us to experience your voice,
guiding us to places of life. In the name of the Risen Christ, may it be so.

Hymn: We Are One  -  Voices United #402

1- We are one as we come, as we come, joyful to be here,
in the praise on our lips there’s a sense that God is near.
We are one as we sing, as we seek we are found,
and we come needful of God’s grace as we meet together in this place.

2- We are one as we share, as we share brokenness and fear,
in the touch of a hand there’s a sense that God is near.
We are one as we care, as we heal, we are healed,
and we share warmth in God’s embrace as we pray together in this place.  

3- We are one as we feast, as we feast, peace becomes the sign,
in the bread and the wine, there’s a sense of love divine.
We are one as we come, as we feed, we are fed,
and we feel God’s refreshing grace as we meet at table in this place. 

4- We are one as we hear, as we hear heart and hand unite,
in the word we receive there’s a sense that God is light.
We are one as we leave, as we love, we are loved;
and we seek justice in God’s ways as we move together from this place.  

Words © 1988 Doreen Lankshear-Smith, Music © 1987 Jeeva Sam, arr. © 1995 David Kai
Song #59e0e28addd02 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Welcoming New Members
Rev. Dr. George & Marilyn James

Special Music: Let Us Put on the Clothes of Christ
CGS/Bell Canto with Erin Berard


Let us put on the clothes of Christ
and live as equals with everyone.
Let us put on the clothes of Christ
and reunite the family of God. 

1. Everyone will live side by side
…with the garments of justice on.
And every door will be open wide
…in that sweet and delightful dawn.
Hate and fear shall not come between.
…Oh, let us unite in love!
We’ll celebrate our diversity
…as we welcome the reign of God. Ref 

2. All the captives will be set free, with …
Discrimination will cease to be, in that ….
To the poor we will bring good news. Oh let us …
Our faith will travel beyond the pews,  as we … 

(skipping vs. 3)

4. Let us rise up completely new, with…
Living fully in Christ, we’ll bloom, in that…
Like the threads of a tapestry, Oh let us,...
And weave a joyful community, as we…

Words and music © 1990 Bret Hesla. Admin. Augsburg Fortress.
Song #
24627 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Rev. Lorrie

Gathering Music: O A Song Must Rise - More Voices #142


Oh a song must rise for the spirit to descend
Oh a song must rise once again (again)
Singing out God’s praises and glory,
the faithful voices blend,
Oh a song must rise for the spirit to descend. 

1. From the mountains to the valleys,
from the desert to the sea,
a song must rise once again.
From the voices of our leaders,
the voice of you and me,
a song must rise for the spirit to descend. R

2. From poverty and riches,
from the voice of young and old,
a song must rise once again. (again)
From the free and the imprisoned,
the timid and the bold,
a song must rise for the spirit to descend. R 

3. From ev’ry house of worship,
in ev’ry faith and tongue,
a song must rise once again.
From the villages and cities
a new song must be sung,
a song must rise for the spirit to descend. R

Words & Music © 1995 Paul Svenson, Arr © 2006 Bryn Nixon
Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Prayer for Illumination  (In Unison)
Reader: Will Wightman

God within us, may these words move, challenge, inspire and deepen our understanding of who you are: Source of Life, Living Word, and Bond of Love. May we listen with an open mind and a heart ready to be transformed. Amen.

The Gospel Reading: John 17: 20-26 (The Message)

20-23 I’m praying not only for them but also for those who will believe in me
Because of them and their witness about me.
The goal is for all of them to become one heart and mind—
Just as you, Father, are in me and I in you,
So they might be one heart and mind with us.
Then the world might believe that you, in fact, sent me.
The same glory you gave me, I gave them,
So they’ll be as unified and together as we are— I in them and you in me.
Then they’ll be mature in this oneness, and give the godless world evidence
that you’ve sent me and loved them in the same way you’ve loved me.
24-26 Father, I want those you gave me to be with me, right where I am,
So they can see my glory, the splendor you gave me,
Having loved me long before there ever was a world.
Righteous Father, the world has never known you,
But I have known you, and these disciples know that you sent me on this mission.
I have made your very being known to them—
Who you are and what you do—
And continue to make it known,
So that your love for me might be in them exactly as I am in them.

May the love of Jesus Christ dwell where the Word is spoken. Thanks be to God!

Ministry of Music: Many Gifts, One Spirit – Allen Pote
BCUC Choir

Sermon: “Being One Heart and Mind” 
Rev. Kim

Prayers of the People & the Lord’s Prayer
Rev. Kim

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kin-dom come, thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kin-dom, the power and the glory,
Forever and ever, Amen.

Invitation to Offer
Rev. Lorrie

God has blessed our lives with relationships—joy inspiring and challenging. In response to God’s blessings in our lives, let us joyfully share our gifts of time, talents and resources as expressions of our gratitude to God’s blessings.  If you are not on PAR and wish to send in your offering and donations, you can drop them in the mail box by the kitchen door of the church. You may also send in your support through e-transfer. Thank you for your continued love and support to BCUC.

Offertory Prayer (In Unison)

(Wanda Burse, Gathering, L/E 2022, Year C. Used with permission)

Eternal One, we offer our gifts, reaching out from the familiarity of our community to the unknown aspects of life and living. May the Spirit encourage our sharing and our serving. Bless these gifts, O God, in Jesus’ name. Amen.

Hymn: More Voices #131 You Creator God Have Searched Me

1 -  You, Creator God, have searched me and you know my ways.
You perfectly understand me. It’s my cause of praise.
I cannot escape your presence in air, land or sea.
Your arms of love and protection are always with me.


You know me, O God, you have made me.
I am proud I’m the work of your hand.
In my waking and sleeping moments,
with my being I will praise your name.

2 - You created light and darkness and you love them both.
You blessed the womb of my mother, you brought me to birth.
In your image and your likeness wonderfully made.
I will lift my voice to praise you, you are God indeed.

Words & Music ©  George Mulrain  General Board of Global Ministries arr More Voices 2007
Song # 88734,  Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Sending Forth
Rev. Kim

(Gill LeFevre, Gathering, L/E 2022, Year C. Used with permission)

Go forward this day:
ready to find God in the world,
in small and surprising places;
willing to see God at work,
in intriguing and unexpected ways;

We are ready and eager to serve God in the world,
where we are, as we are;
and attentive to those God calls us to love.
Go in God’s love, Christ’s light and the Holy Spirit’s peace. Amen.

Departing Music: Without a Vision – Snowdon
BCUC Choir

Be thou my wisdom, and thou my true word;
I ever with thee and thou with me, Lord;
Heart of my own heart, whatever befall,
Still be my vision, O Ruler of all.

Sunday school activities - May 29, 2022

The Gospel Reading: John 17: 20-26 (The Message)

20-23 I’m praying not only for them
But also for those who will believe in me
Because of them and their witness about me.
The goal is for all of them to become one heart and mind—
Just as you, Father, are in me and I in you,
So they might be one heart and mind with us.
Then the world might believe that you, in fact, sent me.
The same glory you gave me, I gave them,
So they’ll be as unified and together as we are—
I in them and you in me.
Then they’ll be mature in this oneness,
And give the godless world evidence
That you’ve sent me and loved them
In the same way you’ve loved me.
24-26 Father, I want those you gave me
To be with me, right where I am,
So they can see my glory, the splendor you gave me,
Having loved me
Long before there ever was a world.
Righteous Father, the world has never known you,
But I have known you, and these disciples know
That you sent me on this mission.
I have made your very being known to them—
Who you are and what you do—
And continue to make it known,
So that your love for me
Might be in them
Exactly as I am in them.

Think and Wonder

Wow, that’s a pretty hard message to read and understand! But, when I hear all the times the word “Love” is used in this passage and all the talk about “being one”, it makes me think about family, and maybe that’s a good place to start.

If someone asks you, “Who is in your family?”, what do you tell them? You might just list your parents and siblings, right? When I think about my family, that’s where I start but I have lots of aunts and uncles and cousins too that I love, so the family circle gets bigger… and then, when I think about all the people who love me and who I love that are like family to me, then, wow, the list gets even bigger! We often talk about all the people who call BCUC their church as our “faith family”… so even more names to add! I think Jesus is telling us, in this reading that all the people in the world are God’s children – and that makes us all family.

So, when we think about loving the people in our family, Jesus wants us to include everyone!.

Do you always get along with the members of your family? Are you sometimes mad at your parents or fighting with your siblings? I think that’s true for all of us from time to time – but the big thing is that, even when we disagree with each other, it doesn’t mean we don’t still love each other.

What do you do to solve the problem when you disagree with someone you love?

How can we use those strategies to help all God’s children get along?

Response Activity Ideas

Pieces of One Puzzle

Each member of your family has unique gifts, strengths, and contributions they bring, yet you all work together to form one family unit.

Have each person decorate a puzzle piece that reflects their positive contributions to your family.  Alternatively, work on your own to make a puzzle piece for each person where you show what you value and appreciate about the others.

Cut them out and glue them down fitting together like a puzzle.  Can you come up with a creative title for your artwork?

6 puzzle pieces

Click to print PDF

Family Teamwork

Try one of these ideas to work as a team with the other members of your family:

Human Knot Game – (works best with a larger group) Gather together and reach your hands into the middle. Grab on to 2 hands.  Untangle yourselves without letting go!

Build a Fort – if you think you’re too odd for that, you aren’t using your imagination!

Family Meal - Decide on a meal or dish you can all work on together.  Maybe you all work together at the same time, or each person makes one dish, or one person chops/measures, another mixes, another cooks, and another cleans up!

Human pyramid – …at least you can have fun trying!

Jammin’ in your Jammies – Have everyone break out an instrument (clapping together wooden spoons counts!) or using their voices to groove along with your favourite recordings or songs (Bonus points for making it a PJ party at the same time!)

Snack – Trail Mix

Search through your pantry and make separate bowls containing dry cereals, goldfish crackers, M&M chocolate candy, small pretzels, almonds or other nuts raisins, dried cranberries, other dried fruit, etc. Have everyone make their own trail mix. Discuss how all of the different items are brought together to make ONE delicious snack, just like God’s dream of having all of us work together as big, world-wide family.

Kids from Other Countries

Visit and watch the videos about kids lives in other parts of the world.  They’re part of our ‘family’ too!

Sunday Worship Service - May 22, 2022


May 22, 2022 – 10 am             6th SUNDAY OF EASTER

Theme: “Being Open ”

* The live service will be broadcasted and recorded on YouTube, check your email for the link.
The audio recording of the live service should be available by phone Monday afternoon at 613- 820-8104

Gathering Music: Prayer for Today                    BCUC Choir, flute: Erin Berard

God in heaven, I make my prayer for all the people everywhere

who live in fear or pain or doubt; Whose homes are gone, and hopes run out.

God in heaven, I make my prayer for all the children everywhere

Who live in terrible, warring places; Who live with hunger and strange sad faces.

God in heaven, I make my prayer for all good people everywhere

who live in comfort, love and peace; And pray sincerely for strife to cease;

But who do not always hear the call of those who live with nothing at all.

God in heaven, hear my prayer! Help all people everywhere

To come closer together in plenty and need,

And to make our world your home, indeed.

Text, Tune & Accompaniment © 1988 Mary Coulson, Margaret Tucker, Choral arr. Michael Kemp

Song #CGA855 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved


Welcome & Centering for Worship                       Rev. Lorrie Lowes

Good Morning, and welcome to this service of worship on the 6th Sunday of Easter. It is good to be here! I am happy to be leading worship this morning while Rev. Kim is on Study Leave and I am grateful, as always, to everyone who has helped put the service together and this week give special thanks to Arcadie, our summer student, who jumped right in on her first week with us to help with the Powerpoint slides!


There are many announcements today that you will see at the end of the service but I will just highlight a couple of important upcoming events:


-         June 5 is Pentecost Sunday and we will celebrate with an outdoor service followed by a Family Picnic. Everything will be provided, it’s not a potluck. Two Men and a Stove will be manning the barbecue. Food and cold drinks will be provided from the proceeds of the Hymn Sing Request.  Please let the office know if you will be attending the picnic to help us plan the food and the activities. It will be wonderful to get together for fun and fellowship after these long years of isolation!

-         The Worship and CE committee is planning a Memorial Service for members and adherents of BCUC who died during these two past years of pandemic.

-         I now call on Gerry and Nicole for today’s Minute for Mission


Minute for Mission                  Nicole Beaudry & Gerry Okolowsky

“Acting Together for Ukraine”


Lighting of Christ Candle: (Responsively)                     Acolyte:  Arcadie Gagne

(Anita Rowland, Gathering L/E 2019, p41. Used with permission)

This is the light of Christ, a promise of Love,

This light shines for us, and for all of creation.

For this we give thanks. Hallelujah!


Sung Response: “Halle, Halle, Halle” – Voices United #958

Halle, halle, halle - lujah! (3x)     Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Words: trad, liturgical text; Music: anon., arr. © The Iona Community, 1980

Call to Gather: (Responsively)          Rev. Lorrie Lowes

(Peter Chynoweth, Gathering L/E 2022, p43. Used with permission)

In this space and time, we form community:

Like singing in unison with the strength of common word and action, and like singing in harmony with the depth and richness of different notes and themes.

The Christian church is about community:

And we ascribe to that tradition with the joys and struggles that come about in relationship.

We live in community:

Community with Great Spirit God and community with each other as people of the Spirit.

Let us worship together with God and with each other in our hearts and minds,

In the building up of the community we are called to be,

Seeking to be one, just as Jesus prayed we would be.

Opening Prayer: (Responsively)

(Fern Gibbard, Gathering L/E 2016, p40. Used with permission.)

God of the Calling Voice,

How seldom we sit in silence, waiting, listening for your voice to speak

The Good News that will change our lives…

When we stand on that in-between place of water and shore, of coming and going, of giving and holding back, we need to listen in silence for the sound of your voice and

The Good News that will change our lives…

When we yearn for a closer walk with you, for healing and renewal in your hurting world, let us listen in silence for your voice telling us

The Good News that will change our lives…



Hymn:   God of the Bible (Fresh As the Morning)  - More Voices #28

1.     God of the Bible, God in the Gospel,

hope seen in Jesus, hope yet to come,

you are our center, daylight or darkness, freedom or prison, you are our home.


Refrain        (2X)

Fresh as the morning,
sure as the sunrise,
God always faithful,
you do not change.

2.     God in our struggles, God in our hunger, suffering with us, taking our part,
still you empow’r us, mothering Spirit, feeding, sustaining, from your own heart. R


3.     Those without status, those who are nothing, you have made royal, gifted with rights, chosen as partners, midwives of justice, birthing new systems, lighting new lights. R

4. Not by your finger, not by your anger will our world order change in a day,

but by your people, fearless and faithful, small paper lanterns, lighting the way. R

5.     Hope we must carry, shining and certain through all our turmoil, terror and loss, bonding us gladly one to the other, ‘til our world changes facing the Cross. R

Words © 1996 Shirley Erena Murray Hope Pub, Music © 2001 Tony Alonso GIA
Song #02882 & 02880 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Storytime:   Erin Berard        

Sunday School activities

Hymn: Draw the Circle Wide – More Voices #145 

Draw the circle wide. Draw it wider still.
Let this be our song, no one stands alone,
standing side by side, draw the circle wide.

1.       God the still-point of the circle,
‘round whom all creation turns;
nothing lost, but held forever,
in God’s gracious arms. R

2.       Let our hearts touch far horizons,
so encompass great and small;
let our loving know no borders,
faithful to God’s call. R

3.       Let the dreams we dream be larger,
than we’ve ever dreamed before;
let the dream of Christ be in us,
open every door. R

Words & Music © 1994 Gordon Light, Common Cup, arr © 1998 Michael Bloss, Wood Lake Books
Song # 117657 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Prayer for Illumination: (In Unison)          Reader: Sue Morrison

Open your word to us this day, loving God. Open our hearts and minds to their guidance on our journey of faith. Amen.

The Gospel Reading: Acts 16:9-15 (The Living Bible Translation)

9 That night Paul had a vision. In his dream he saw a man over in Macedonia, Greece, pleading with him, “Come over here and help us.” 10 Well, that settled it. We would go to Macedonia, for we could only conclude that God was sending us to preach the Good News there.

11 We went aboard a boat at Troas, and sailed straight across to Samothrace, and the next day on to Neapolis, 12 and finally reached Philippi, a Roman colony just inside the Macedonian border, and stayed there several days.

13 On the Sabbath we went a little way outside the city to a riverbank where we understood some people met for prayer; and we taught the Scriptures to some women who came. 14 One of them was Lydia, a saleswoman from Thyatira, a merchant of purple cloth. She was already a worshiper of God and as she listened to us, the Lord opened her heart and she accepted all that Paul was saying. 15 She was baptized along with all her household and asked us to be her guests. “If you agree that I am faithful to the Lord,” she said, “come and stay at my home.” And she urged us until we did.

May the love of Jesus Christ dwell where the Word is spoken. Thanks be to God!

Ministry of Music: Every Morning is Easter Morning – ©1972 Avery/Marsh    BCUC Choir

Sermon: “Being Open”           Rev. Lorrie

Prayers of the People & the Lord’s Prayer:                    Rev. Lorrie

Holy One,

We thank you for the wonder of this world we live in, with all its beauty and diversity.

Help us as we strive to look beyond the familiar and the expected, so that we, like Paul and Lydia, can see the gifts that come to us in surprising ways.

Help us pay attention to the ways you nudge us in new directions.

Open us to finding blessings in unexpected places.


Hear us as we pray for those in our community who are dealing with difficulties of many kinds:

Those who are ill or injured

Those who are grieving, isolated, or lonely

Those who are dealing with conflict or violence

Those who are anxious or afraid of what the future holds.

Give them the assurance that you are with them and offer them comfort.


Hear us as we pray for the people of the world

Those who are caught in the horror of war and acts of aggression

Those who are displaced from their homes for any reason – economic insecurity, political unrest, or natural disasters like famine, flood, or fire

Those who are oppressed or discriminated against

Those who suffer only because they are different from those around them

Give them the courage to move ahead and the peace of knowing there is support for them in this world.


Hear as we pray for those who are called to lead

Those who have sought opportunities for leadership

Those who have had leadership responsibilities thrust upon them

Those who find themselves in unexpected leadership roles

Give them the wisdom to lead with clear vision and with compassion for those their decisions impact.


Hear us as we pray for ourselves and for the things that trouble our hearts and minds.

Nudge us to take action that will lead to hope, healing, and confidence in the coming days.

Give us the clear vision to recognize you in the friends, family and caregivers around us.

Help us see the world through the lens of love – both received and given

Help us share your love in everything we do and say

Help us be the face of the assurance, comfort, courage, and wisdom we ask for in this world.


All this we ask as we repeat together the words that Jesus taught his followers

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kin-dom come, thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kin-dom, the power and the glory,
Forever and ever, Amen.


Invitation to Offer:                            Rev. Lorrie

As the apostle Paul freely offered the Good News to a community outside his own, as Lydia freely offered her home and hospitality to strangers from far away, may we freely offer our love to God’s world through our gifts of time, talents, and treasure to further the mission of this church in answer to Jesus’ call. If you are not on PAR and wish to send in your offering and donations, you can drop them in the mail slot at the kitchen door of the church drop by the church during office hours – we are always happy to see you! – or send in your support through e-transfer. Thank you for your continued love and support to BCUC.


Offertory Prayer: (In Unison)

(Wanda Burse, gathering L/E 2022, p49. Used with permission.)

          Eternal One,

We offer our gifts, reaching out from the familiarity of our community to the unknown aspects of life and living.

May the Spirit encourage our sharing and our serving.

Bless these gifts, O God, in Jesus’ name. Amen


Hymn:   May the God of Hope Go with Us - Voices United #424

1 May the God of hope go with us every day,
filling all our lives with love and joy and peace.
May the God of justice speed us on our way,
bringing light and hope to every land and race.


Praying, let us work for peace,
singing, share our joy with all,
working for a world that's new,
faithful when we hear Christ's call.


2 May the God of healing free the earth from fear,

freeing us for peace, both treasured and pursued.

May the God of love keep our commitment clear,

to a world restored, to human life renewed. R

Words © v1 1984 Schutmaat, v2 1993 Kaan Hope Pub., Argentine Folk Melody

Song #78182 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved


Sending Forth:     Rev. Lorrie

(Richard Bott, Gathering L/E 2022, p51. Used with permission.)

We go into God’s world to share what we have.

We go into God’s world to share who we are.

We go into God’s world. With God’s love, Christ’s peace, and the Holy Spirit’s song.

Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! Amen.


Departing Music & Announcements

Guide Me Great Jehovah with Klein Nachtmusic


Sunday school activities - May 22, 2022

The Gospel story we are hearing today is about a woman named Lydia. You can read it below or watch it on this video:

The Gospel Reading

Acts 16:9-15 (The Living Bible Translation)

9 That night Paul had a vision. In his dream he saw a man over in Macedonia, Greece, pleading with him, “Come over here and help us.” 10 Well, that settled it. We would go to Macedonia, for we could only conclude that God was sending us to preach the Good News there.

11 We went aboard a boat at Troas, and sailed straight across to Samothrace, and the next day on to Neapolis, 12 and finally reached Philippi, a Roman colony just inside the Macedonian border, and stayed there several days.

13 On the Sabbath we went a little way outside the city to a riverbank where we understood some people met for prayer; and we taught the Scriptures to some women who came. 14 One of them was Lydia, a saleswoman from Thyatira, a merchant of purple cloth. She was already a worshiper of God and as she listened to us, the Lord opened her heart and she accepted all that Paul was saying. 15 She was baptized along with all her household and asked us to be her guests. “If you agree that I am faithful to the Lord,” she said, “come and stay at my home.” And she urged us until we did.

Think and Wonder

Leading up to this story, Paul and his friends were trying to go into Asia to tell people about Jesus and the lessons he taught – but things kept blocking them from going there. This reading tells us that Paul had a vision or a dream one night that sent him in a new direction, to a place he hadn’t considered going. In this new place he found Lydia and others who were eager to hear what he had to say.

Have you ever had a time when you planned to do something but ended up doing something completely different? Maybe you wanted to play with your friends but your parents had different plans that meant you had to go with them to a whole new place. Sometimes, when plans change, we are disappointed but then the new experience turns out to be really great!  Can you think of a time when this has happened to you?

Paul and his friends were Jewish men, like Jesus, so on the sabbath they looked for a synagogue where they could worship but there wasn’t one in Philippi. They knew that people would go to water if there was no synagogue, so they headed down to the river. Usually, men worshipped together but here they found a group of women, led by Lydia and she was really interested in what Paul had to say.

Lydia was very different from most women in biblical times. She was an independent, successful, business woman who led her own household. We are told that she sold purple cloth. That’s an important detail because purple dye was very hard to make in those days and only very rich people could afford to buy it.

What do you think Paul felt about meeting a woman like Lydia who was able to make her own decisions and be in charge of both a business and a household?

Sometimes our gifts or strengths are not easily seen by others. Lydia becomes a good friend to Paul and helps him throughout his ministry.

When Paul was looking for leaders to help form the new church, who do you think he would expect to find?

What are some ways that you think Lydia might have been able to help Paul?

What do you think would make Lydia a good leader in the new church?

Response Activity Ideas

Purple Cross

Materials: scissors, glue, assorted scraps of purple fabric, felt, tissue paper, etc.

Lydia was able to use her influence as a wealthy merchant, as well as her strong faith and hospitality, to help Paul share Jesus’ message in the city where she lived.  Decorate a cross in purple to remind of Lydia’s influence on the Christian faith.

Print out the cross template, or draw your own.  Cut up pieces of purple cloth, felt, or paper into squares.  Glue them onto the cross shape like a mosaic or collage.   Include a line from the Bible passage as title if you wish.

Cross template

Click to print PDF

Leadership Award for Lydia

Digitally or on paper, create an award certificate for Lydia recognizing her strengths!  Highlight her strengths and qualities that made her a successful business woman and great leader for the early church - be creative and go beyond what’s in the text to imagine what she might have been like!

Lydia Poetry

(modified from

Choose a poetry style and try writing a poem about Lydia. Illustrate it if you like.

Lovely Lydia
Praying by the river side
Believes in Jesus! 


Haiku is a Japanese form of un-rhymed poetry with three lines.

Line 1: Five syllables
Line 2: Seven syllables
Line 3: Five syllables 

Acrostic Poetry

An acrostic is a poem in which the first letters of each line spell out a word or phrase (e.g. Lydia) vertically.

Cinquain Poetry

This poetry consists of five lines.

Line 1: Name
Line 2: Two words to describe line 1
Line 3: Three action words about line 1
Line 4: Four feeling words about line 1
Line 5: one word that refers to line 1

Sunday Worship Service - May 15, 2022



May 15, 2022 – 10 am

Theme: “The Way of Being”

* The live service will be broadcasted and recorded on YouTube, check your email for the link.
The audio recording of the live service should be available by phone Monday afternoon at 613- 820-8104

Gathering Music:  “Friends” (Michael W. Smith)

Requested by Rev. Kim Vidal in loving appreciation of all the friends at BCUC.

Welcome & Centering for Worship
Rev. Kim Vidal

Lighting of Christ Candle
Acolytes:  TeGrotenhuis Family

As we light the Christ Candle, remember these words from 1 John 4:7 - “Dear friends, let us love one other, because love is from God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God, for God is love.”

Sung Response: “Halle, Halle, Halle” – Voices United #958

Halle, halle, halle - lujah! (3x)     Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Words: trad, liturgical text; Music: anon., arr. © The Iona Community, 1980

Call to Gather (Responsively)
Rev. Lorrie Lowes

From before the beginning, and beyond the end,
God is our God, the God who claims us as friends.
We come, as faithful people have come, for many generations.
We may break our promises and abandon our covenants,
but God meets all our endings with a new beginning.
Stir in us a joyful celebration of what God has done and
continue to do among us.
From before the beginning, and beyond the end, God is our God.
Friends, gather now in the presence of God who calls us friends.

Opening Prayer (In Unison)

Companion God, through the years you have loved us dearly like true friends and have nurtured us since the beginning. The abundance that surrounds us is astounding, and all we can do is marvel and give thanks. With joy-filled hearts let us proclaim the Good News that you are among us. Dance with us as we embrace one another in love and in thanksgiving. Walk with us as we celebrate your promises of grace and hope. Pray with us as we journey together as followers of Jesus. Amen.  

Hymn: Come, Let Us Sing of a Wonderful Love – Voices United #574

1 Come let us sing of a wonderful love,
tender and true, tender and true,
out of the heart of the Father above,
streaming to me and to you:
wonderful love, wonderful love
dwells in the heart of the Father above.

2 Jesus, the Saviour, this gospel to tell,
joyfully came, joyfully came,
came with the helpless and hopeless to dwell, sharing their sorrow and shame,
seeking the lost, seeking the lost,
saving, redeeming at measureless cost.

3 Jesus is seeking the wanderers yet;
why do they roam? why do they roam?
Love only waits to forgive and forget;
home, weary wanderers, home!
Wonderful love, wonderful love
dwells in the heart of the Father above.

4 Come to my heart, O thou wonderful love!
Come and abide, come and abide,
lifting my life till it rises above
envy and falsehood and pride:
seeking to be, seeking to be
lowly and humble, a learner of thee

Words: Robert Walmsley, 1900, Music: Adam Watson
Song reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Rev. Lorrie

*Hymn: Magic Penny (Malvina Reynolds) – CGS/Bell Canto, director Erin Berard

Love is something if you give it away,
Give it away, give it away.
Love is something if you give it away,
You end up having more.

It's just like a magic penny,
Hold it tight and you won't have any.
Lend it, spend it, and you'll have so many
They'll roll all over the floor.

For love is something if you give it away,
Give it away, give it away.
Love is something if you give it away,
You end up having more.

Prayer for Illumination (In Unison)
Reader: Charles Barker

God, our sure foundation, open the scripture to us and open us to the scripture so that we can hear your message of love in songs, in word and in prayers. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

The Gospel Reading: John 15: 9-17 (The Message)

Love One Another

9-10 “I’ve loved you the way my Father has loved me. Make yourselves at home in my love. If you keep my commands, you’ll remain intimately at home in my love. That’s what I’ve done— kept my Father’s commands and made myself at home in his love.
11-15 “I’ve told you these things for a purpose: that my joy might be your joy, and your joy wholly mature. This is my command: Love one another the way I loved you. This is the very best way to love. Put your life on the line for your friends. You are my friends when you do the things I command you. I’m no longer calling you servants because servants don’t understand what their master is thinking and planning. No, I’ve named you friends because I’ve let you in on everything I’ve heard from the Father.
16 “You didn’t choose me, remember; I chose you, and put you in the world to bear fruit, fruit that won’t spoil. As fruit bearers, whatever you ask the Father in relation to me, he gives you. 17 “But remember the root command: Love one another.

May the love of Jesus Christ dwell where the Word is spoken. Thanks be to God!

Ministry of Music: Love is a Song – Natalie Sleeth
BCUC Choir (Abe TeGrotenhuis directing)

Sermon: “Being a Friend”
Rev. Kim

Prayers of the People & the Lord’s Prayer
Rev. Lorrie

Holy One, Source of Love,
You love us without conditions or limits.
We feel secure and at home in that love.
You call us “Beloved”;
Jesus calls us “Friend”.
And we are called to respond – by spreading that love to others.

“Love one another as I have loved you.”
Jesus called it a commandment but we know it is more than a command; it is our calling,
Our invitation into the joy you wish for each of us.

You call us to take care of the earth, our common home.
We pray for a way to stop the devastating effects of climate change on the amazing flora and fauna that make up your intricate web of life.
We pray for a way to harvest the riches of minerals and energy sources that help sustain us without causing harm to our fellow creatures or the delicate balance of the ecosystem.
Lord, grant us the vision to see where care is needed, the openness to see our part in both the problem and the solution, and the courage to make a difference.

You call us to care for all who suffer, near and far.
We pray for our families, our communities, and our neighbours both near and far.
We pray for an abundant life for all and for a closing of the gap between those who have and those who want.
We pray for healing of injuries and illness, grief and loneliness, of persecution, violence, and oppression.
Lord, grant us the vision to see where care is needed, the openness to see our part in both the problem and the solution, and the courage to make a difference.

You call us to care for the societies, cultures, and faiths that make up this world we live in.
We pray for understanding, for acceptance, and for celebration of the diversity that enriches our experience of living in your world.
We pray for the leaders who guide us and who determine the direction of the world.
We pray that love and wisdom guide their decisions and that they lead the world into unity and joy.
Lord, grant us the vision to see where care is needed, the openness to see our part in both the problem and the solution, and the courage to make a difference.

You call us to care for ourselves.
We pray for acceptance of our own worthiness of the relationship to which Jesus invites us.
We pray that we can find the complete joy you promise in being both servant and friend.
Lord, grant us the vision to see the gifts we bring to this world you have created in love, and the confidence to use them to create your kin-dom in this world.

We pray in the name of Jesus who both invites and commissions us into the work of spreading your love and light, and in the words we now say together in the language of our choice:

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kin-dom come, thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kin-dom, the power and the glory,
Forever and ever, Amen.

Invitation to Offer
Rev. Kim

God has blessed our lives with relationships—joy inspiring and challenging. In response to God’s blessings in our lives, let us joyfully share our gifts of time, talents and resources as expressions of our gratitude to God’s blessings.  If you are not on PAR and wish to send in your offering and donations, you can drop them in the mail box by the kitchen door of the church. You may also send in your support through e-transfer. Thank you for your continued love and support to BCUC.

Offertory Prayer (In Unison)

Generous God, we offer our gifts to you for your blessing.
Bless our time, our talents, our treasures that they may be used wisely in your name. Amen.

Closing Hymn: More Voices #26 Your Love is Amazing

1.       Your love is amazing, steady and unchanging,
          your love is a mountain, firm beneath my feet.
          Your love is a myst’ry, how you gently lift me.
          When I am surrounded your love carries me.

          Hallelujah, hallelujah, hallelujah
          Your love makes me sing. (2X)

2.       Your love is surprising, I can feel it rising,
           all the joy that’s growing deep inside of me.
Ev’ry time I see you all your goodness shines through.
I can feel this God song rising up in me. Refrain

3.       Repeat verse 1 and refrain

Words and Music; Brenton Brown and Brian Doerksen       © 2000 Vineyard songs
Song #5b057fdf9f6f6  Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Sending Forth
Rev. Kim

Go forth into the world, rejoicing in the power of the Holy Spirit.
Be strong and of good courage, for the God of love walks with you.
Be filled with the peace of Christ now and always. Amen!

Departing Music: Love One Another – Hitchins/Wright    BCUC Choir

Sunday school activities - May 15, 2022

The Reading

Paraphrased from John 15

9 I have loved you as God has loved me. Make yourself at home in my love.

11 I want you to know the delight I experience, to find complete joy, which is why I am telling you all of this.

12 My commandment to you is this: love others as I have loved you. 13 There is no greater way to love than to give your life for your friends. 14 You celebrate our friendship if you obey this command. 15 I don’t call you servants any longer; servants don’t know what the master is doing, but I have told you everything God has said to me. I call you friends.

17 This is my command to you: love one another.

Think and Wonder

Do you think a baby knows if someone loves them? How does a baby know his or her mother or father loves them? If the mother said “I love you,” without looking at the baby or smiling, and didn’t pick the baby up very often or feed the baby when he or she was hungry, would the baby feel loved? Would you feel loved if your parent didn’t ever give you things you need. or teach you things, or read you stories, or play with you? 

How about the other way around? How do your friends or people in your family know that you love them? Do you tell them that? What if you just said that you love them, but you never helped them out when you could, or you never listened to them or you always got in a bad mood and hurt them and never said “sorry”? Would they believe you when you said you love them? So how do you act like a loving person?

The biggest rule of all that Jesus gave us was that we should love each other the way that he loved his disciples. 

How did Jesus show his love for his disciples? He shared with them, he taught them about God, and he showed them how to love each other and other people, too. He made sick people feel better, fed poor people, and told stories about God’s love. And on the last night he was together with his disciples Jesus washed their feet like a servant would usually do. That showed them that real friends are all equal and do things for each other. So Jesus wanted his disciples to do loving things like that, too. 

In our modern world, we don’t usually have to wash each other’s feet because we have running water and soap and can easily do it ourselves if we have dirty feet, but there are other ways that we can be loving to each other so that people will know that we are followers of Jesus. If we are really a church, this is what we will do and this is how people will know that we are Jesus’ followers.

No one can really tell if we are Jesus’ followers just by what we say or what kind of clothes we wear or whether we are carrying around a Bible, or come to church on Sunday, but they can tell by whether we are kind, loving people.

What are some ways that BCUC shows love to others? 

What are some ways you can show love to others?

Response Activity Ideas

Song – This Is My Commandment

Try learning the tune and words to this simple song!  Maybe you could learn the actions/dance in the video or make up your own!

Flap Book – Loving Others

Print out the template and follow the instructions on the page to record ways you can show love to others as Jesus loves you.

Click to print PDF

Random Acts of Kindness

Some ideas to do/discuss:

  • Brainstorm some ideas you could do as a family (Right now? Next week? Together? Individually?)  Plan a way to carry out your favourite ideas.

  • Take a small pile of sticky notes.  Write a positive affirmation or compliment on each.  Secretly stick them up around your neighbourhood, school, workplace, etc. this week to brighten people’s day.

  • Put the names of your (extended) family (or names of people in the church who could use a lift or a thank you?) in a hat.  Each person chooses a name in secret and agrees to surprise that person with a random act of kindness sometime over the next few weeks.

  • Read through the list of 50 Random Acts of Kindness and challenge each other to do as many of them as possible between now and next Sunday.

50 Acts of Kindness

Click to print PDF

Pentecost Picnic - June 5, 2022 – 10 am

Join with our BCUC Family in an ALL-AGES OUTDOOR SERVICE followed by a BBQ Lunch and Games. We would like to include a “talent show” to the June 5th picnic. Please let Abe, Erin or the Office know if you have a song, reading or juggling act you would like to share with us. This is NOT a POTLUCK EVENT. Food and cold beverages will be provided from the proceeds of the Hymn-Sing Requests. Please contact the church office at to let us know you’re coming! Hope to see you and your family there!

Camp Awesome is back in-person at BCUC July 11-15, 2022!

Camp Awesome is a summer day camp and youth leadership development program that operates within the Eastern Ontario Outaouais Regional Council (EOORC) of The United Church of Canada.

Camp Awesome provides a full-day, active program for children. The program combines Vacation Bible School activities, like stories, songs and crafts with games and theme day fun.

Learn more about Camp Awesome and how to register here.

Sunday Worship Service - May 8, 2022



May 8, 2022 10 am

* The live service will be broadcasted and recorded on YouTube, check your email for the link.
The service should be available by phone some time Monday at 613-820-8104

Gathering: I, the Lord of Sea and Sky – Voices United #509

Hymn request from Ross Mutton in memory of Gail

1.I, the Lord of sea and sky,
I have heard my people cry.
All who dwell in deepest sin
my hand will save.
I who made the stars of night,
I will make their darkness bright.
Who will bear my light to them?
Whom shall I send? R

Here I am Lord.
Is it I Lord?
I have heard you calling in the night.
I will go Lord, if you lead me.
I will hold your people in my heart.

2.I, the Lord of snow and rain,
I have borne my people’s pain.
I have wept for love of them, they turn away.
I will break their hearts of stone,
give them hearts for love alone.
I will speak my word to them.
Whom shall I send? R

3.I, the Lord of wind and flame,
I will tend the poor and lame.
I will set a feast for them; my hand will save.
Finest bread I will provide,
till their hearts be satisfied.
I will give my life to them.
Whom shall I send?  R

Words & Music © 1981 Daniel L. Schutte    New Dawn Music      
Song#80670 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved.

Welcome & Centering for Worship
Rev. Kim Vidal

Lighting of Christ Candle
Acolyte:  Pat & Jeff Stoate

Reader 1: Today as we celebrate Christian Family Sunday,
we remember that Jesus called us as family: siblings, parents, children.

Reader 2: We light this Christ candle, claiming the promise that
where two or three are gathered together, Christ is in our midst.
May this light of Christ guide us as we gather today as the family of God.

Sung Response: “Halle, Halle, Halle” – Voices United #958

Halle, halle, halle - lujah! (3x)     Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Words: trad, liturgical text; Music: anon., arr. © The Iona Community, 1980

Call to Gather[1] (Responsively)
Sue Morrison

Sisters, brothers, children, welcome to this place!
Mothers, fathers, sing praises to God.
Grandmas, grandpas, share the story.
Aunts, uncles, dance with joy.
Family by love, Christ’s own body.
Family by Spirit, God calls us as one.
As one family, we come to worship our God.

Opening Prayer: The Heart of God [2]

God with a Shepherd’s heart, you gather us as your children.
You comfort and hold us in your warm embrace.
When we hurt, your arms enfold us.
When we are afraid, your wings protect us.
When we are hungry, you feed us with the bread of life.

God with a mother’s heart,
your love surrounds and supports us,
in good times and in tough,
in the midst of joy and pain,
always and everywhere.
You will never leave nor abandon us.

God eternal and loving one,
God with a Shepherd’s and a mother’s heart,
We thank you this day for being part of your family. Amen.

Hymn: Are You A Shepherd? - More Voices #126

1.    Are you a shepherd, good shepherd who leads us
Safely through danger while calming our fears?
Are you a father who shelters and feeds us,
Shares in our laughter and tears. 

Yes, you are shepherd, parent, and teacher
          But you are greater than all that we know.
          Holy and living, loving and giving,
          God, you are with us, wherever we go. 

2.    Are you a mother, good mother who bears us,
Comforts, protects us and helps us to rest?
Are you a teacher who daily prepares us,
Challenging students to offer their best?   Ref 

3.    Great, gentle shepherd, forever beside us,
Lead all your children through paths that are right.
Great, loving parent, wise teacher, you guide us.
We want to love you and bring you delight.  Ref 

Sue Morrison

Hymn: Jump for Joy - More Voices #48

1.       I can feel you near me God I can feel you near
          Yes, I know you’re with me God I feel you here
          I can feel you near me God I can feel you near
          Yes, I know you’re with me God Heaven is here. 

Refrain: And I’ll jump for joy I’m singing Alleluia
          Jump for joy for you I will jump for joy
          I’m singing Alleluia Jump for joy for you. 

2.       I can feel you loving me yes, I know you care
          God, I know you’re loving me always everywhere
          I can feel you loving me yes, I know you care
          God, I know you’re loving me I know you’re there. Refrain

Words and Music © Pat Mayberry arr. © 2005 Marg Stubbington
Song # 123573 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Prayer for Illumination (Together)
Reader: Pat Stoate

Nurturing God, continue to surprise us and breathe your spirit freshly upon us as your family, that renewed in faith, we may know your wisdom through this story in the Bible. Amen.

The Gospel Reading: John 10:11-18 (NRSV)

Jesus, the Good Shepherd

11 “I am the good shepherd. The good shepherd lays down his life for the sheep. 
12 The hired hand, who is not the shepherd and does not own the sheep, sees the wolf coming and leaves the sheep and runs away—and the wolf snatches them and scatters them. 1
3 The hired hand runs away because a hired hand does not care for the sheep. 
14 I am the good shepherd. I know my own and my own know me, 
15 just as the Father knows me and I know the Father. And I lay down my life for the sheep. 
16 I have other sheep that do not belong to this fold. I must bring them also, and they will listen to my voice. So there will be one flock, one shepherd. 
17 For this reason the Father loves me, because I lay down my life in order to take it up again. 
18 No one takes it from me, but I lay it down of my own accord. I have power to lay it down, and I have power to take it up again. I have received this command from my Father.”

May we find ourselves renewed in this Gospel story. Thanks be to God!

Ministry of Music: The Lord will be my Shepherd – Besig/Price
BCUC Choir

Sermon: “Being Shepherd”
Rev. Kim

Prayers of the People & the Lord’s Prayer
Rev. Kim

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kin-dom come, thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kin-dom, the power and the glory,
Forever and ever, Amen.

Invitation to Offer
Rev. Kim

God has blessed our lives with relationships—joy inspiring and challenging. In response to God’s blessings in our lives, let us joyfully share our gifts of time, talents and resources as expressions of our gratitude to God’s blessings.  If you are not on PAR and wish to send in your offering and donations, you can drop them in the mail box by the kitchen door of the church. You may also send in your support through e-transfer. Thank you for your continued love and support to BCUC.

Offertory Prayer (In Unison)

Shepherd God, you have blessed our lives with relationships that both inspire and challenge. We offer these gifts so that we might continue to build relationships

with one another and with your whole creation. Bless these gifts that they may bring wholeness and life abundance to all your people. We pray. Amen.

Closing Hymn: Would You Bless our Homes and Families - Voices United #556

1 Would you bless our homes and families,
Source of life who calls us here,
in our world of stress and tension,
teach us love that conquers fear.
Help us learn to love each other
with a love that constant stays;
teach us when we face our troubles,
love’s expressed in many ways.

2 When our way is un-demanding,
let us use the time that’s ours.
To delight in simple pleasures,
sharing joys in gentle hours.
When our way is anxious walking
and a heavy path we plod.
Teach us trust in one another
and in you, our gracious God.

3 From the homes in which we’re nurtured,
with the love that shapes us there,
teach us God, to claim as family
everyone whose life we share.
And through all that life may offer,
may we in your love remain,
may the love we share in families
be alive to praise your name.

4 Let us reach beyond the boundaries
of our daily thought and care 
till the family you have chosen,
spills its love out everywhere.
Help us learn to love each other
with a love that constant stays;
teach us when we face our troubles
love’s expressed in many ways.

Words © 1977 Walter Farquharson,  Music © 1977 Ron Klusmeier,  Hope Publishing Co.
Song#80568 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved.

Sending Forth[3] (Responsively)
Rev. Kim Vidal

May God who brought us to birth by the Holy Spirit,
strengthen us for the Christian life.
May God who provides for all our needs
sustain us day by day.
May God whose steadfast love is constant as a Shepherd’s and mother’s care,
send us out to live and work for others.
And the blessing of God: Creator, Christ and Comforter
be with you and remain with you always. Amen.

Departing Music: (She) Shall Feed (Her) Flock – Beck
BCUC Choir

[1] Seasons of the Spirit, 2015.

[2] Christine Sine,


Sunday school activities - May 8, 2022

Theme Discussion

Have you ever met a shepherd before?  Have you ever been to a farm that has sheep?  These days it’s not as common a profession as it was in the region Jesus grew up and did his teaching.

Watch the video A Shepherd’s Life to get an idea of what shepherding in a remote area is like. (Turn on subtitles. Hover over the video timebar to choose from the different sections if you don’t want to watch the whole thing.)

  • Was there anything that surprised you?

  • What sort of things does a shepherd do for their sheep?

  • How do they take care of them?

  • Is it an easy job?  Why do you think they continue to do it?

Now check out today’s scripture from The Message - John 10:11-18:

Jesus said:

11-13 “I am the Good Shepherd. The Good Shepherd puts the sheep before himself, sacrifices himself if necessary. A hired man is not a real shepherd. The sheep mean nothing to him. He sees a wolf come and runs for it, leaving the sheep to be ravaged and scattered by the wolf. He’s only in it for the money. The sheep don’t matter to him.

14-18 “I am the Good Shepherd. I know my own sheep and my own sheep know me. In the same way, the Father knows me and I know the Father. I put the sheep before myself, sacrificing myself if necessary. You need to know that I have other sheep in addition to those in this pen. I need to gather and bring them, too. They’ll also recognize my voice. Then it will be one flock, one Shepherd. This is why the Father loves me: because I freely lay down my life. And so I am free to take it up again. No one takes it from me. I lay it down of my own free will. I have the right to lay it down; I also have the right to take it up again. I received this authority personally from my Father.”

But wait a minute - before he started his ministry, Jesus was supposed to be a carpenter.  So why is he calling himself a shepherd in this bible passage?  How does Jesus act like a shepherd?

There are other places in the Bible where Jesus is described as a shepherd - can you think of any other passages?

How would you feel knowing you had a ‘good shepherd’ to take care of you?

We have friends and family around us who care for us in the same way as a good shepherd, don’t we?  Take a moment now to name them and share something you’re grateful that they do for or with you.

Response Activities


Good shepard maze

Click to print PDF

Crayon Resist Shepherd Scene

Materials: crayons or oil pastels, watercolours, brushes, water cups, paper

Using crayons and/or oil pastels draw a simple outline of hills, clouds, sun, etc. that you imagine when you think about a place where a good shepherd may take their sheep .  Don’t forget to add in some simple sheep shapes with the crayons and/or oil pastels.  Finish by painting with watercolours to fill all the outlined areas.

I am a Good Shepherd, too!

Print out the worksheet.  Fill in the sheep, writing words or phrases that describe how one could act as a good shepherd to others.  (e.g. Offering a hand when someone falls down, Standing up to a bully, Calling to check in on a grandparent, etc.) Draw and colour a field or hillside for the sheep!

Click to print PDF

Colouring Page

Click to print PDF

Sunday Worship Service - May 1, 2022




May 1, 2022

Gathering Music

Acknowledgement of Territory Rev. Lorrie Lowes

(Peter Chynoweth, Gathering Lent /Easter 2022, p30. Used with permission.)

This land on which we gather is the unceded territory and traditional land of the Algonquin and Anishnaabe people. We worship Creator on this land and acknowledge with respect the thousands of years of ceremony and relationship that are etched in footprint, fire, and faithfulness on the soil and rock that surrounds us.

Welcome & Centering for Worship Rev. Kim Vidal

Good day everyone! On behalf of BCUC, I welcome and greet you in the name of Jesus Christ as we worship together on this 3rd Sunday of Easter. Today we are celebrating 171 years of our life together as a faith community that saw its beginnings in 1851 known as Drummond Presbyterian Church. We give thanks for the many ways God nurtures and feeds us, guides our roots to sink deep, and with God’s grace and blessing, bears fruits of love, justice, kindness and wisdom. And to celebrate this wonderful day, we welcome the Rev. Dr. George and Marilyn James as full members of this faith community. Happy birthday BCUC!

Let us now centre ourselves in the presence of God who made us witnesses in the world and called us to be a loving and faithful community. Let us gather in worship.

Lighting of Christ Candle Acolyte:  Sue Morrison

On this anniversary Sunday,
we light this Christ candle
to honour and to celebrate
who we are as a community of faith.
We do so by giving thanks
for the varieties of gifts that we share
and of the love that binds us together.
May the light of Christ be our guide today
And in the years, to come.                                                                                                                   

Sung Response: “Halle, Halle, Halle” – Voices United #958

Halle, halle, halle - lujah! (3x)     Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

Call to Gather Rev. Lorrie Lowes

From before the beginning, and beyond the end,
you are our God, the God who claims us as yours.
We come, as faithful people have come, for many generations.
We may break our promises and abandon our covenants,
but you meet all our endings with a new beginning.
Stir in us a joyful celebration for what you have done and continue to do among us
From before the beginning, and beyond the end, you are our God. We delight in you.

Prayer of Approach[1] (In Unison)

Loving God, Your Spirit calls us to be church.
With the faithful who went before and those who will come after,
you offer us the gifts needed to be the Body of Christ,
people of God, co-creators of your new world. 
Remind us to listen to your voice when our ears are closed to your call,
to pay attention when our eyes lose sight of self-giving,
to have a grateful heart when we misuse your generosity.
Be present with us in the midst of our joy and sorrow, pain and healing, despair and hope.
We ask this prayer in the name of Jesus, the head of this church. Amen.

Hymn: Morning Has Broken   - Voices United #409

1.Morning has broken like the first morning,
Blackbird has spoken like the first bird.
Praise for the singing! Praise for the morning!
Praise for them springing fresh from the word. 

2.Sweet the rain’s new fall sunlit from heaven,
Like the first dew-fall on the first grass.
Praise for the sweetness of the wet garden,
Sprung in completeness where God’s feet pass. 

3.Ours is the sunlight! Ours is the morning
Born of the one light Eden saw play!
Praise with elation, praise every morning,
God’s re-creation of the new day!

Words © 1931 Eleanor Farjeon, Music Gaelic Melody, harmony © 1982 Alec Wyton
Song # 118118 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Storytime Rev. Lorrie Lowes

Hymn: “I’m Gonna Live So God Can Use Me” -  Voices United #575

I'm gonna live so (live so) God can use me
anywhere, Lord, anytime! (anytime!)           
          Work…  Pray…  Sing…

Words & Music © African American Spiritual          Song #95386
Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Prayer for Illumination Reader: Bob Wright

God, our sure foundation, open the scripture to us and open us to the scripture so that we can hear your message of love in songs, in word and in prayers. In Jesus’ name. Amen.

The Gospel Reading: John 21:1-19 (NRSV)

Jesus Appears to Seven Disciples

21 After these things Jesus showed himself again to the disciples by the Sea of Tiberias; and he showed himself in this way. 2 Gathered there together were Simon Peter, Thomas called the Twin, Nathanael of Cana in Galilee, the sons of Zebedee, and two others of his disciples. 3 Simon Peter said to them, “I am going fishing.” They said to him, “We will go with you.” They went out and got into the boat, but that night they caught nothing.

4 Just after daybreak, Jesus stood on the beach; but the disciples did not know that it was Jesus. 5 Jesus said to them, “Children, you have no fish, have you?” They answered him, “No.” 6 He said to them, “Cast the net to the right side of the boat, and you will find some.” So they cast it, and now they were not able to haul it in because there were so many fish. 7 That disciple whom Jesus loved said to Peter, “It is the Lord!” When Simon Peter heard that it was the Lord, he put on some clothes, for he was naked, and jumped into the sea. 8 But the other disciples came in the boat, dragging the net full of fish, for they were not far from the land, only about a hundred yards off.

9 When they had gone ashore, they saw a charcoal fire there, with fish on it, and bread. 10 Jesus said to them, “Bring some of the fish that you have just caught.” 11 So Simon Peter went aboard and hauled the net ashore, full of large fish, a hundred fifty-three of them; and though there were so many, the net was not torn. 12 Jesus said to them, “Come and have breakfast.” Now none of the disciples dared to ask him, “Who are you?” because they knew it was the Lord. 13 Jesus came and took the bread and gave it to them, and did the same with the fish. 14 This was now the third time that Jesus appeared to the disciples after he was raised from the dead.

Jesus and Peter

15 When they had finished breakfast, Jesus said to Simon Peter, “Simon son of John, do you love me more than these?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my lambs.” 16 A second time he said to him, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” He said to him, “Yes, Lord; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Tend my sheep.” 17 He said to him the third time, “Simon son of John, do you love me?” Peter felt hurt because he said to him the third time, “Do you love me?” And he said to him, “Lord, you know everything; you know that I love you.” Jesus said to him, “Feed my sheep. 18 Very truly, I tell you, when you were younger, you used to fasten your own belt and to go wherever you wished. But when you grow old, you will stretch out your hands, and someone else will fasten a belt around you and take you where you do not wish to go.” 19 (He said this to indicate the kind of death by which he would glorify God.) After this he said to him, “Follow me.”

May we find ourselves renewed in this Gospel story. Thanks be to God!

Ministry of Music: You’re Still There – Judith Snowdon
BCUC Choir

Sermon: “Being Simon Peter” Rev. Kim Vidal

Prayers of the People & the Lord’s Prayer Rev. Lorrie

Holy and Generous God,
The hallelujahs of Easter morning still ring in the sanctuary this Sunday morning,
Reminding us of the good news. The love of Christ is alive in the world!
We wish the feeling of hallelujah could fill the world outside of this worship space but it is difficult to feel that deep joy when we come face to face with so many concerns for the world, for our communities, and for ourselves.
Hear us God as we pray. 

We pray for this planet we call home and for all the amazing creation that it holds.
We pray for the damage caused by climate change – melting ice caps, thawing permafrost, violent storms, floods and forest fires;
We pray for species that are suffering and facing extinction;
We pray for places where the economic drive overrides the balance of the ecosystem.
God, help us find a new way forward, help us think outside the box, help us learn to fish on the other side of the boat. 

We pray for all your people in their diversity of colour, race, culture, and creed.
We pray for people living in places where the violence of war threatens their homes, their history, and their very existence.
We pray for those who are left on the margins because of poverty, disability, gender identification or anything that sets them apart from what someone has decided is normal.
We pray for all whose differences cause them to suffer in body or in spirit.
God, help us find a new way forward, help us think outside the box, help us learn to fish on the other side of the boat. 

We pray for our home communities, our congregation, our families, and ourselves.
We pray for all those dealing with grief and loss – of loved ones, of jobs, of familiar ways of life.
We pray for all in our midst who are suffering from illness or injury.
We pray for people struggling with mental health concerns and for all those struggling to support them.
God, help us find a new way forward, help us think outside the box, help us learn to fish on the other side of the boat. 

Holy One, when you call us from the shore, help us recognize your voice. We are eager to jump in, to join you in the work needed in this world, and to break the fast of fear and anxiety that this time of Covid has caused us.

On this day of celebrating the history of this congregation and the joy of welcoming new members, we pray in the words of Jesus:

Our Father, who art in heaven, Hallowed be thy name.
Thy kin-dom come, thy will be done, On earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread, And forgive us our trespasses
as we forgive those who trespass against us.
And lead us not into temptation but deliver us from evil.
For thine is the kin-dom, the power and the glory,
Forever and ever, Amen.

Invitation to Offer Rev. Kim

The God of yesterday, today and tomorrow holds each one of us in tender love and care. God is gracious and good, and no one is insignificant in God’s eyes. So we respond to everything God is doing in the life of this faith community and the world by offering a portion of the bounty we have received. Let us joyfully share our gifts of time, talents and resources as expressions of our gratitude to God’s blessings.  If you are not on PAR and wish to send in your offering and donations, you can drop them in the mail slot by the kitchen door of the church. You can also send in your support through e-transfer. Thank you for your continued love and support to BCUC.

Offertory Prayer[2] (In Unison)

Creator God, take these gifts that represent the fruits of our love for you, for our community and for ourselves. Use these gifts, as you use us, to spread your message of love throughout the world. Amen.

Hymn: “Deep in Our Hearts”  - More Voices #154

1. Deep in our hearts there is a common vision;
Deep in our hearts there is a common song;
Deep in our hearts there is a common story,
Telling Creation that we are one.  

2. Deep in our hearts there is a core is a common purpose;
Deep in our hearts there is a common goal;
Deep in our hearts there is a sacred message,
Justice and peace in harmony. 

3. Deep in our hearts there is a common longing;
Deep in our hearts there is a common theme;
Deep in our hearts there is a common current,
Flowing to freedom like a stream. 

4. Deep in our hearts there is a common vision;
Deep in our hearts there is a common song;
Deep in our hearts there is a common story,
Telling Creation that we are one.

Words © 1995 John Oldham, Music © 1996 Ron Klusmeier, musiklus
Song #117654 Reprinted with permission under ONE LICENSE #A-733214. All rights reserved

Sending Forth[3] Rev. Kim Vidal

Live wholeheartedly;
God calls us to make every minute count.
Live adventurously;
God calls us to uncharted places and challenging situations.
Live faithfully;
God calls us to remember where our true allegiance lies.
Live compassionately;
God calls us to notice and to work alongside those ignored or forgotten.
As we go from this time of worship, may we be inspired to live as God calls us to live.
May we go knowing that God goes with us this day and in the days to come. Amen.

Departing Music God Leads Us On! – Parker/Lantz III
BCUC Choir

[1] Inspired by a prayer posted in

[2] Deborah Ambridge-Fisher, Gathering, Lent/Easter 2021, Year B. Used with permission.

[3] David Sparks, Gathering, Pentecost 2 – 2020 Year A.  Used with permission.

Sunday school activities - May 1, 2022

A paraphrase of John 21:1-19

Peter and the disciples had gone fishing. They had been fishing all night and had caught nothing. The next morning, they were headed in to shore when they saw someone on the beach. (It was Jesus, the Risen Christ, but they didn’t realize it yet.) Jesus asked them “Have you caught anything?” No, they hadn’t. “Let down your net on the right side of the boat,” Jesus told them. They did so and caught 153 large fish. All of a sudden, they realized it was Jesus! Peter jumped into the water and swam to shore. When they arrived, Jesus was cooking breakfast for them on a fire of coals. He fed them bread and fish.

After breakfast, Jesus had a long talk with Peter, who had denied knowing him three times on the night Jesus was arrested. Jesus asked Peter three times if he loved Him. Peter said he did three times. (But he was embarrassed that Jesus had to ask him three times. He remembered that he had denied Jesus three times.) Each time when Peter said he loved Jesus, Jesus told him things like “Feed my lambs,” “Take care of my sheep,” and “Feed my sheep.” Finally, he told Peter, “You follow me.”

You can watch a version of the story here:

Theme Discussion

1.      The disciples had been out fishing all night long. They were working hard but they weren’t catching any fish. Even though they were fishing the same way they had always done, it wasn’t working. Jesus gave them a new idea – a different way of looking at the work they were called to do. All through his ministry, Jesus taught people new ways to do things. What are some new ideas Jesus had for the way we live that will make the world work better?

2.      In this story, Jesus shares a meal with the disciples. Can you think of some other stories in the Bible where Jesus shares a meal? Does this story remind you of any other Bible stories? What lessons from Jesus are you reminded of when you hear this story?

3.      Think about the times you have shared a meal with others – your family dinners, parties or special occasions, picnics, pot luck dinners at the church… Why do you think sharing a meal together is often a way of celebrating? Do you think eating together is important? Why?

4.      After breakfast, Jesus asks Peter, “Do you love me?” three times! He tells him to take care of his lambs and his sheep. He is reminding Peter of the important work he has to do in the world, the work of taking care of others. Why do you think he repeats these things three times?

Response Activity Ideas

Charades - How do you feed sheep?

Print out the scenarios and cut apart.  Some have been left blank for you to add your own ideas!  Fold the papers and place them in a basket or bowl.  Participants, alone or in pairs, can pick an action/scenario, read it silently, and act it out, trying to get the others to guess in what way they are following the call to “feed my sheep”.

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Mission and Outreach Investigation

Look through this week’s bulletin announcements (PDF) - how is BCUC tending to God’s flock?

Visit the Ottawa Westend Community Chaplaincy webpage ( and Multi-Faith Housing Initiative site (  These are initiatives supported by our church.  How are these groups following Jesus’ example to make the world a better place?

Visit the United Church’s Social Action page ( and browse through the different topics to learn about some examples of our church in action in the world - Did any particular mission surprise you?  Interest you?

Look through the Gifts with Vision catalogue - Notice the variety of causes and needs the Mission and Service Fund addresses.

Are there more local issues in our community that YOU are concerned about?  Research ways to help and support these concerns or other interests from the M&S info.  Is there something we can do as a church?  Do you have new ideas for SOSA or the youth and children of BCUC to take action on?