Marriage / weddings
BCUC is a welcoming, inclusive and an affirming congregation. We acknowledge that marriage is a covenant between two people, regardless of sexual orientation, who share a life-long commitment to love each other and who ask God’s blessings to affirm this union. The wedding ceremony, in the form of a Christian liturgy, may take place in the church building or offsite.
Meeting with the Minister: Weddings are booked on a first-come, first-served basis. Be sure to consult with the minister before setting the day and time of your wedding. You are required to meet at least twice with the Minister to discuss details and to plan for the liturgy of the wedding service. Rehearsals prior to the wedding ceremony are encouraged but not required.
Marriage Preparation Course: The minister will encourage you to attend a marriage preparation course organized by the Ottawa Presbytery (United Church of Canada) or from a designated religious organization.
Marriage License: You are required to secure a marriage license in a city or town in the Province of Ontario, to be handed in to BCUC office at least two weeks prior to the wedding.
The officiating minister
The Minister shall:
be responsible to perform all weddings or will arrange for a substitute in his/her absence.
meet at least twice with the couple to discuss details and the content of the wedding ceremony.
conduct one rehearsal prior to the ceremony if required.
recommend marriage liturgies that are in keeping (but not limited to) with the approved liturgies of the United Church of Canada.
reserve the right to refuse to marry on the grounds of moral or professional ethics, or failure to agree to the guidelines established by BCUC or based on the Ontario law.
The couple
The couple is responsible for the following:
invite a clergy person that they may wish to be included in the ceremony to assist the officiating minister.
invite a musician where the current church organist refuses or cannot perform his/her function. All music selections must be made in consultation with the musician.
print wedding bulletins.
provide candles for the ceremony when needed.
decorate the sanctuary with simple decorations without damaging the pews and other furniture. Confetti, rice, petals or bubbles are not allowed in the sanctuary of the church.
make arrangements for someone to remove flowers / decorations immediately following the ceremony.
ensure that photography and/or videography be used only at those permitted parts in the ceremony which will be discussed with the officiating minister.
The organist or musician
The organist/musician of the church venue shall:
play for the wedding service.
have the right of first refusal to play in the service.
be consulted by the couple regarding music selections.
arrange for a substitute if and when, after accepting the task, cannot perform duties in the service.
Officiating minister: $400.00. Cheque payable to Minister.
Organist/musician: $250.00 - Additional $75 if rehearsal is required. Our Organist gets the right of first refusal to play. Cheque payable to the Organist.
Administration & utilities: Free for church family; Non-members - $250. which includes the use of the sanctuary during rehearsal and the day of the wedding. Cheque payable to Bells Corners United Church.
Custodian: $60.00 – includes cleaning the sanctuary and church premise but will not be responsible for removing the decorations used in the wedding. Cheque payable to Bells Corners United Church.
Other: Candles - $30 (if required); Pew Markers - $ 25 (if desired) Bulletin prints -$ 50.00
All fees / balance due (Cash or Cheque payable to the designated person or church) clearly marked in separate envelopes must be received two weeks prior to the wedding.