At Bells Corners United Church (BCUC), we believe that the sacrament of baptism celebrates God’s love and our response to God. It is a holy covenant – a promise of God to us, of parents to their children, and of the church community to the support and nurture of all. Baptism proclaims and celebrates the invisible grace of God with the visible sign of life-giving water. Through this sacrament, people, young or old, are baptized into the Christian faith. In the United Church, baptism is the means by which people are welcomed into membership in the church. Since young children are not able to profess their own faith, the parents and we in the church act on their behalf.
BCUC offers baptism to all ages. We believe that God’s grace is for everyone and does not depend on our ability to understand its meaning or relevance. We encourage parents, godparents, family members and relatives to nurture the children in a Christian way and to surround them with love, care, prayer and presence.
Baptism takes place during a regular worship service. This ensures that the congregation is part of the celebration where they pledge their support for the baptized and his or her family.
At BCUC, we use water as the primary element in baptism, symbolic of cleansing and renewing. Through the symbol of water, we remember Jesus’ baptism in the waters of Jordan with God’s affirmation of love, saying: “You are my beloved – in whom I am well pleased”. In addition to a baptismal certificate, we also present a Bible and a baptismal candle to each candidate.
For more information about baptism at Bells Corners United Church, please call the church office at (613) 820-8103 and speak with the minister.