Time for Young at Heart podcast - March 29, 2020

Hi Everyone! I’ve missed you!

It seems so strange to come home after my trip to Zambia and not be able to call you all up to the chancel to tell you about it – and to see your smiling faces.

When I left, just a couple of weeks ago, people were getting ready to protect themselves from this new virus. We were all getting prepared. That’s the good thing about knowing that something is going to happen – you can get ready for it.

In today’s scripture reading, the disciples are talking about the magnificent temple in Jerusalem. It was a huge building made of enormous stones. Not only was it beautiful but it was strong and everyone was sure it would last forever. I think the disciples were excited to see it. They were oohing and aahing about it but Jesus told them a strange thing. He said, “See that great big building? One of these days it’s going to be destroyed completely.” 

Remember that this was before the time of bombs or even bulldozers. I bet those men could hardly imagine such a thing happening. It would have been a scary thing to think about. So, they wanted to know when it was going to happen. They wanted to be ready.

I think that’s a bit like what is happening in our world right now. We live in a time where we feel pretty safe. We were told that this new virus was coming and so we thought we could be ready for it. We know how to protect ourselves against getting sick, right? So, we are doing all the right things to protect ourselves. And that’s good! We knew it was coming and we were prepared.

When Neil and I left for Zambia, we took Lysol wipes to clean our seatbelts and tray tables and even the tv screen on each plane. We took hand sanitizer. We made sure we took our vitamins and had a good night sleep so we were strong and healthy. We were careful not to get too close to people. We did a good job of being prepared.

But there were some things we weren’t ready for – like worrying about getting back to Canada before the planes stopped flying, or not being able to see our family when we got home or not even go out of the house for groceries – or not even being able to go to church.

I know you have all had some changes to deal with too – no school, no play dates with friends, no visits to grandma and grandpa’s house, no sports practices. Some of you had to cancel March break vacations. At first, it’s kind of fun to think about being off school but I bet you are all starting to miss your friends and your teachers. I know they are missing you too.

No matter how well we thought we could be ready. There are some things we just didn’t imagine, right?

So, we have had to think of new ways to be together and new ways to carry on. I have loved reading about how families are going for walks and writing chalk messages for their neighbours on the sidewalks… how people are putting fun things in their windows for others to see… how people who can go out a little bit are helping those of us who have to stay home by picking up groceries and checking our mailboxes for us. I think we are making more phone calls to catch up with family and friends. Families are playing games and doing puzzles together. Things are different right now – but some of those differences are pretty nice, don’t you think?

I think the biggest message that has come out of this situation for me so far is that we are not alone. We have people who love us and who will find ways to show that love, even when they can’t be right beside us.

Someday, we will look back on this time and be amazed at how we all came together. This is a time that will be remembered in history – and you are part of it! So, keep on being the part that spreads light and love.

Are you ready?

BCUC Midweek Prayer Circle, 8 pm every Wednesday (wherever you are)

BCUC Midweek Prayer Circle, 8 pm every Wednesday (wherever you are)

The practice of praying is nothing new. It is a spiritual practice that many of us at Bells Corners United Church take to heart and observe on a regular basis. Praying is about listening and being attentive to yourself, others, the community where we live and the world. Praying is about transformation and healing. It changes how we act and who we are. Praying is about offering love when we cannot be present for the other, reminding us of the words of St. Augustine when he said that “true, whole prayer is nothing but love.”

Message from Rev. Kim Vidal

Dear friends at BCUC,

As concern over the spread of COVID-19 impacts the life and ministry of our congregation and forces us to do things differently, let us be reminded that despite social distancing and not meeting for a short period of time, we are still connected in God’s love. On those Sundays that we are not gathering at worship, I will be sending via email a weekly Lenten worship service including my sermon which you can use for your individual or family time of reflection. Erin will also send Sunday School materials with activities that you can do as a family especially those with children.

COVID-19 Update, March 17

Sunday Services for March 15th, 22nd, 29th and April 5th have been cancelled. Church and community activities are suspended through April 5th, and the church office is closed.

BCUC continues to follow the recommendations of Health Agencies and the guidance of The United Church of Canada in dealing with the COVID-19 virus.

We are available to offer Pastoral and Spiritual Care to all via email or telephone.

If you have any issues or concerns or wish to stay connected, please leave a message at 613-820-8103 or send an email to office@bcuc.org. Someone from the church office will respond to you.

Stay tuned for more updates.

BCUC's Response to COVID-19 as of March 12, 2020

These are the steps we are taking to minimize risk to everyone who uses our building effective immediately:

Please do not come to church or any gathering if you are feeling sick

if you are feeling ill, have a fever or have symptoms such as coughing, sneezing or shortness of breath, stay home or call your doctor. Call Telehealth if your doctor is unavailable as treatment options may be changing in the community.

Changes to Sunday services

Instead of shaking hands or hugging, we will greet each other verbally and minimize close physical contact. We will encourage social distancing whenever possible.

Communion is not scheduled until April 12 (Easter Sunday), so we will update our communion practices according to the information we have at that time.

Offering plates will be available with health concerns in mind. (i.e. ushers will use gloves and will receive the offering– no passing of the plates in the pews).

Stay informed

Monitor daily updates from Ottawa Public Health and the Public Health Agency of Canada for current information regarding COVID-19. Check current recommendations regarding travel and attendance at large gatherings including worship.

Our staff may be working from home. If you cannot reach them by phone, you can contact them via email. You can read our full COVID-19 response here (PDF).

Wishing everyone good health!

2020 Lenten Project: Veterans' House

VETERANS’ HOUSE, the Andy Carswell Building, is a housing community for veterans who are homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The facility will provide supportive housing for 40 veterans. This latest Multifaith Housing Initiative (MHI) project is partnering with a number of agencies to offer mental health and addiction services, gathering spaces (including a communal kitchen and outdoor barbecue facilities), an indoor gym, and a dog park for service dogs.

MHI is four-fifths of the way to completing the fundraising for Veterans’ House, however there still remains 2.3 million dollars to finish the project. SOSA has set a goal of $8000 to support Veterans’ House. To donate, please contact the church office at (613) 820-8103 or office@bcuc.org.

Please contribute to the BCUC Book of Memories

The Church Board would like to create a new Book of Memories in 2020. We would like to receive a memory, story, photo with captions, from you.

To assist you in helping us, perhaps you can answer questions like this: What does BCUC mean to you? What effect did Bells Corners United Church have on your life? Who do you remember from the Church and why? What event at the church meant something to you?

Email your “memories” to Bob Ferguson, editor, via office@bcuc.org or write them out and bring or send them to the church office before April 5, 2020.

This is a project for the whole church, children, youth, adults. We hope you will take a part!

BCUC Spring Garage Sale & E-waste Collection

BCUC Spring Garage Sale, Saturday May 11, 9am - 1pm. Shop from a variety of sales areas: Baking, Books, Women’s & Children’s Clothing, White Elephant, ‘Treasures’, Plants, Children’s Books & Toys, Linens, Furniture, Youth BBQ. Scouts are holding an E-waste Collection. Bring electronic items for recycling, ie computers and accessories, appliances, tools, wires, metal, accessories, etc) but no environmental waste (fluorescent bulbs, paint, smoke detectors etc.

Lenten Appeal

This year, BCUC’s Lenten Appeal will support the United Church of Zambia mission site in Chipembi. This is the place that Hazel, Doyle, and Lorrie have visited. It is the home of the Chipembi Girls’ Secondary School, which they partnered with, but also includes a Church, a Medical Centre, an Agricultural College, and a Basic School (grades JK to 7). All parts of the mission and the people who live there would benefit greatly from a partnership with BCUC - and we will benefit greatly from…